Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA
There will be no more development for Atahualpa (or any other theme), and no support. Also no new registrations. I turned off the donation system. I may turn the forum to read only if it gets abused for spam. Unfortunately I have no time for the forum or the themes. Thanks a lot to the people who helped in all these years, especially Larry and of course: Paul. Take care and stay healthy -- Flynn, Atahualpa developer, Sep 2021

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA » WordPress Themes » Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme » New Versions, & Updating »

upped from 3.3 to 3.4.2, went well, only minor bugs

Old Jul 15, 2009, 02:03 AM
14 posts · Apr 2009
Portland, Maine USA
the upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4.2 went better than the ug to 3.4 (lost all sidebar content). Didn't lose anything this time. loaded the header images and was up and running.

One thing I've noticed, is a Weather Widg Ive been running over a year suddenly has all data with link bullets in front of it, as well as the cloud/sun/rain image...that wasnt there before and looks kinda bad. any ideas?

also, category list 2nd level links bullet color is identical to 1st level, even tho the theme option page indicates otherwise. not sure whats going on there, doesn't seem to affect functionality the best I can tell so far. just aesthetic.

Old Jul 15, 2009, 09:22 PM
Flynn's Avatar
3,768 posts · Oct 2008
Munich, Germany
Since 3.4 the left border decoration is on list items instead of links, which should cover 3rd party widgets better

The Sun image appears to be a list item, you can remove its border with a CSS insert

li.wicon {
border-left: 0;

Widget lists 2nd level: A bug, thanks for finding.

To fix it in your version edit css.php line 702-729 and add the red parts:

div.widget_pages ul li ul li a:link,
div.widget_pages ul li ul li a:visited,
div.widget_pages ul li ul li a:active,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li a:link,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li a:visited,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li a:active {
padding: 0 0 0 <?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists2']['link-padding-left']; ?>px;
border-left: solid <?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists2']['link-border-left-width']; ?>px #<?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists2']['link-border-left-color']; ?>;

div.widget_pages ul li ul li a:hover,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li a:hover {
border-left: solid <?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists2']['link-border-left-width']; ?>px #<?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists2']['link-border-left-hover-color']; ?>;

div.widget_pages ul li ul li ul li a:link,
div.widget_pages ul li ul li ul li a:visited,
div.widget_pages ul li ul li ul li a:active,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li ul li a:link,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li ul li a:visited,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li ul li a:active {
padding: 0 0 0 <?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists3']['link-padding-left']; ?>px;
border-left: solid <?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists3']['link-border-left-width']; ?>px #<?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists3']['link-border-left-color']; ?>;

div.widget_pages ul li ul li ul li a:hover,
div.widget_categories ul li ul li ul li a:hover {
border-left: solid <?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists3']['link-border-left-width']; ?>px #<?php echo $bfa_ata['widget_lists3']['link-border-left-hover-color']; ?>;
Old Jul 15, 2009, 10:13 PM
14 posts · Apr 2009
Portland, Maine USA
Ah, vielen dank.

S. Konigmacher / Monkey_Fist
Old Jul 16, 2009, 06:53 PM
14 posts · Apr 2009
Portland, Maine USA
ok, i pasted

li.wicon {
border-left: 0;

into the CSS inserts window and nothing changed. Did I miss something? I'm really out of my element at this level of tweeking, my apologies.
Old Jul 16, 2009, 07:00 PM
Flynn's Avatar
3,768 posts · Oct 2008
Munich, Germany
Add !important

The overall left-border for widget items is still active on it, although it worked when I tried it on your site:

li.wicon {
border-left: 0 !important;

or if that doesn't work either:

div.widget ul li.wicon {
border-left: 0 !important;
Old Jul 16, 2009, 07:28 PM
14 posts · Apr 2009
Portland, Maine USA
That did it! Thank you very much.
Old Jul 17, 2009, 01:22 AM
14 posts · Apr 2009
Portland, Maine USA
ok, i pasted the revised code into Css.php to fix the identical 1st and 2nd level category list item color..

now the 2nd level bullet item color is showing, and the 1st level has disappeared

How do I open that file so that the code line numbers show? i was able to match it up by reading it, but considering the result I might have made a mistake.

Old Jul 17, 2009, 07:22 AM
Flynn's Avatar
3,768 posts · Oct 2008
Munich, Germany
Use Notepad++, it's free and has line numbers and syntax highlighting


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