I'm posting here because this "widget" installs as plugin and then "appears" as a sidebar widget.
I installed and activated the "Admin Links Widget" http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/...idebar-widget/
Simply, I can't get the widget to appear in either sidebar at all, ever. I contacted the author http://kdmurray.net/2007/08/14/wordp...-links-widget/ who suggested there might be some interaction happening with other widgets I was running.
I removed ALL widgets from BOTH sidebars except for "Admin Links" without any joy. And then I started deactivating plugins.
I disabled:
Inline Posts
WP Shopping Cart
CMS Navigation
The still active plugins are:
All in One SEO Pack
Page Management Dropdown
Plugin Central
WP Super Cache
I'm at my wits end. I "know" the widget is "there" -- if you go to http://www.shepherdjim.com/ you can see that the left sidebar is empty -- NOT showing the "To put some content here, ..." notice you see in the unpopulated right sidebar. If I remove the widget from the left sidebar, the "To put some content here, ..." then appear there as well.
WP is installed in a subdir /wp/ and I have things set up so you don't need to enter /wp/ as part of the URL. Could that have anything to do with the problem?
EDIT / Update: I just realized that I'm not running the latest version of theme Atahualpa on www.shepherdjim.com so quickly installed the newest 3.3.2 -- there's no change. This plugin/widget still refuses to show itself. ???
Has anyone had experience with this plugin? Keith Murray, the author, has gone to the trouble of installing Atahualpa and reports he's not having any problems.