I'm starting to think I'm missing something obvious, but didn't seen any other posts similar to this issue.
For reference, here's the web page I'm developing:
I've been attempting to add an RSS feed sidebar widget that will display posts from a specific category. I entered the appropriate feed url (http://marylandacademyofmusic.com/wo...specials/feed/) and selected that it should display item content, author, and date.
On the page, the widget displays the orange RSS icon along with the optional feed title I entered, but not the actual entries (which are present when you load the above mentioned feed url in a new window). The feed title seems to just link to the main page.
I have not changed any of the widget settings under "Atahualpa Theme Options".
So far I'm pretty keen to use Atahualpa and will likely make a donation if I can iron out making it do some of the key things I need it to do... This being one of the most important. The general explanation of the need is that I want to have posts of "Special Offers" which will always show up in the sidebar and can be clicked on for more information. Eventually I'll probably add something similar to the right sidebar for posts from a different category.
Thanks for any insight, and I'm ready to try and elaborate if more info is needed...