Anyway, one of the instruction steps reads:
7. Copy the index.php and .htaccess files from the WordPress directory into the root directory of your site (Blog address).There is NO .htaccess file in my /wp/ directory OR any of its sub-directories.
I did a search and found 12 .htaccess files Ten of them are in various /Zencart/ directories -- I haven't even activated the Zencart plugin so am fairly sure that none of those .htaccess files are of interest at this point.
The other two instances of .htaccess are in the /_db_backups/ and /stats/ subdirectories of the main directory. The one in /stats/ has not been modified since 1/22/2009 while the one in /_db_backups/ was modified more recently on 3/11/2009.
Which .htaccess should I be copying into the root directory -- oh, and I just noticed that it says "copy" and not "move" -- I'm glad of that! I'm pretty sure I was going to move it. whew!