Suckerfish won't do what you're describing here, at least not with additional Javascript or PHP. If you're going to use Suckerfish then probably Son of Suckerfish, an enhanced Suckerfish menu
Atahualpa is using Ruthsarian Menus which is more complicated than Son of Suckerfish but also more browser-safe.
Vertical menus with fly-out are already built into Atahualpa but not fully implemented yet, without the required extra CSS and Javascript. The follwing is not exactly what you wanted but it would give you a vertical, multi level fly-out menu. Try this only if you're willing to work on it a bit, I won't be able to fully customize this for you.
In header.php, after
PHP Code:
<?php if ( $left_col == "on" ) { ?>
<!-- Left Sidebar -->
<td id="left">
put this:
PHP Code:
<div id="rmenu3">
<ul class="rMenu-ver rMenu">
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
A. Theme Options -> HTML/CSS Inserts -> CSS Insert:
HTML Code:
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu-ver ul {
width: 11em;
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand a,
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand a,
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand a,
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand a,
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand li.rMenu-expand a {
background-image: url(/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/expand-right.gif);
div#rmenu3 ul.rMenu-hor li.rMenu-expand a {
background-image: url(/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/expand-down.gif);
In header.php, after
PHP Code:
<?php if (strpos($bfa_ata_configure_header,'cats')!==FALSE) { ?>sfHover( 'rmenu' );<?php } ?>
PHP Code:
sfHover( 'rmenu3' );