Good day folks,
I am putting together my site using Atahualpa. I am amazed on a daily basis of just how easy this theme makes configuring my outlays.
There is one little thing I just can't seem to figure out, and I can't find a plugin either. From the little bit of info on the Codex site on something almost simmilar, they mention that it is theme dependend and that the core WP does support such options if called for.
What I would like to do is simply hide all comments to post AND pages throughout the site. I just hate rocking up at a site with just a short post and 99% of the rest of the time loading the thing was spent loading hundreds of comments... On my own blog I would like to hide the comments and the comment box. At the bottom of the post/page entry should simply be a link or whatever on which the visitor could click which would say something like: "Click here to comment to this post and/or view all the comments..."
If there is a some code I should alter or even a plugin anybody out there might know of which would make this happen, I would be most greatfull for your help.
Warm regards,