Originally Posted by lmilesw
To change to a non-websafe font like Lucida handwriting is going to require other methodologies such as this plugin provides. Do Google search for sIFR and Cufon on the wordpress.org site to get some ideas.
lmilesw: This perhaps isn't the best venue to pose this question, but Cufon's WP forums are laughable. I can't get Cufon to work entirely.
I'm trying to set a custom font for my blog title only. I've uploaded the font.js to the appropriate directory and entered the following in the Cufon replacement code:
Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'Route3');
Then in Atahualpa options, I set the css for the blog title to:
font-family: Route3;
This does not work. I can only get Cufon to work when I use this code:
Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'Route3').replace('h2');
The problem with that, though, is now every <h2> gets that font, but I only want the blog title.
Can you offer any help? If you'd like to take this to PM since it's off-topic, that's fine.