Hi there
Finally our blog looks quite as it should. Two more questions remain as we've not been able to fix the issues ourselves. Look at this page: http://www.abenteuer.ch/?page_id=57
There Background of the whole menu bar (in grey) is not equally "high": after the last menu entry to the right ("Wichtig zu wissen") there is a difference in the height of the grey background of about 1px at the top and the bottom. Does not change if I set the background color of "Header 2" (at least it does not at its bottom; at the top its fine then because the whole menu bar flushes with the header image).
Then we've not been able to change the background of the available submenu-entries: on this page ("Touren"), which is active right now, all sub-menu-items also come with the blue ("active") background. Is there a way to change the background of these items too ("background color: hover" does not work here as the top-menu is active...)?
Thanks and all the best from Zurich