This plugin might do that
AFAIK you'll insert PHP code into that plugin.
"If this is a page":
"If this is not a page":
"If this is a page with the ID V, W, X, Y OR Z"
PHP Code:
in_array( $post->ID, array(V, W, X, Y, Z) )
"If this is not a page with the ID V, W, X, Y OR Z"
PHP Code:
!in_array( $post->ID, array(V, W, X, Y, Z) )
If $post->ID doesn't work in the examples above try $wp_query->get_queried_object_id()
"If this is the page 'about' or the page 'products'"
PHP Code:
is_page('about') OR is_page('products')
"If this is the homepage" (includes page 2, page 3...):
"If this is the real homepage" (and not page 2, 3..)
PHP Code:
is_home() AND !is_paged()
"If this the static page that I selected as homepage"
PHP Code: