I am
brand new to WordPress, and thus to Atahualpa! I tried posting about this on another thread, but if it was answered (and I'm not entirely sure it was), I am now more confused than ever! I have a fair knowledge of HTML and CSS, but haven't learned PHP--yet. My blog page is part of a larger website (
http://andreadlavigne.com), though only the blog page is created with WordPress software--the rest of my pages are (so far) just plain ol' HTML and CSS code that I did myself. I have gotten my blog page (
http://andreadlavigne.com/blog) looking ALMOST like I want it, but am having problems styling the navigation menu on the left sidebar. The links on my nav menu DO work, but I also want it to have the background buttons like I have on my other pages, just to keep some uniformity going. I use what I saw referred to as a "pixy-rollover" effect, where the button graphic is a .gif picture twice the necessary width, divided into 2 different halves, and change colors/icons when the user hovers over them. So far, I have managed to get the buttons on my blog page to change colors, so I'm pretty sure the pixy-rollover thing is working. But they are not showing up near the 40x200 pixels they are supposed to appear! Basically the colors of the buttons hug the text in the menu, rather than spreading out to their required size. I have tried numerous "fixes" with CSS, even trying to put a <div> around the PHP code for that widget in the WordPress "Editor" and trying to style it with a CSS insert, but nothing has worked right. As of now, I have the nav menu just plain--no buttons turned on. WHAT in the world am I doing wrong--or am I trying to do the impossible???? If anybody can help, I would really appreciate it! Please just keep the suggestion in plain English--my brain is frazzled with this whole mess!

Sorry for the "book" here, but I wanted to be clear as I could!