Just poking around Montezuma and it's a big difference from Atahualpa. Looks great.
Trying to add the menu icons. I got the proper code from the instruction page under Using Menu Icons. CSS for Icons in "Menu 1." I commented out the default menu1 CSS (#menu1 .page-blog, etc.) and replaced with this:
/* Part 1- for default state: */
#menu1 .sample-page > a > i { background-position: 0px 0px; }
#menu1 .donate > a > i { background-position: 0px -240px; }
#menu1 .gallery > a > i { background-position: 0px -264px; }
#menu1 .news > a > i { background-position: 0px -2112px; }
/* Part 2 - for hover state: */
#menu1 .sample-page:hover > a > i, #menu1 .sample-page.active > a > i { background-position: -24px 0px; }
#menu1 .donate:hover > a > i, #menu1 .donate.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -240px; }
#menu1 .gallery:hover > a > i, #menu1 .gallery.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -264px; }
#menu1 .news:hover > a > i, #menu1 .news.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -2112px; }
Site is currently here: www.thecatsquad.com/test/
But the images are not being replaced. I'm thinking this has something to do with having to create a custom menu in the WP Dashboard. Do I have to create the custom menu first? Then I'm thinking, backing further into the solution, do I have to create new main templates to make use of this new custom menu?
Thanks in advance!