Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA
There will be no more development for Atahualpa (or any other theme), and no support. Also no new registrations. I turned off the donation system. I may turn the forum to read only if it gets abused for spam. Unfortunately I have no time for the forum or the themes. Thanks a lot to the people who helped in all these years, especially Larry and of course: Paul. Take care and stay healthy -- Flynn, Atahualpa developer, Sep 2021

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA » WordPress Themes » Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme »

Advice to newbies

Old Oct 12, 2009, 03:59 PM
paulae's Avatar
1,333 posts · Feb 2009
Wordpress 3.4.1, Atahualpa 3.7.7
Advice to newbies

Hi there. Isn't this a great place? I've been doing online work since 1989, believe it or not, and in all that time, I have seldom found a more useful, friendly support forum than this one. Flynn has created a marvelous set of themes, and while they are works in progress, they blow away the competition. That's why we're all here. We're also here because, even though Atahualpa is terrific, most of us need help making full use of all the features.

Flynn brought in Juggledad to help moderate the forum, and JD has been a real boon to all of us. He knows his stuff, but he also wants all of us to keep helping each other, too. He can't do it all by himself!

The fact is, he could easily become overwhelmed if he answered every question. Personally, I think he should try to concentrate on the more complex problems people come up with, rather than spending time on what I'd call "newbie" questions. Folks, Wordpress is a great platform for web publishing, and it lets non-techy people do great things online. But it does require some study in order to use it properly, and you can't expect Flynn and Juggledad to teach you the ABC's of Wordpress. Go to wordpress.org and start with the Getting Started information. Teach yourself how all this works, at a very basic level, so when you do ask a question in here, it will be about how to use this theme, not about how Wordpress itself works. Understand what's a Wordpress issue and what's a theme (Atahualpa) issue. For instance, and I don't mean to pick on anybody, "How do I add Adsense?" Now, adding ad code will be the same with any theme, basically. So that's a Wordpress.org question, and you can find answers by doing a search there. In fact, do a search here too, before you post a question. Chances are it's been asked and answered, often in great detail, already.

However, "How would I put Adsense code into a new widget area?" is an Atahualpa question, but you could probably find the answer just by doing a search here. And by all means, read the instructions when you're in the theme options! Many times, the answer to a question I had was right there in front of my nose all the time, but I wasn't paying attention.

If I ever get over to Munich, I'm buying Flynn a beer or three. :-) It will be easier for me to do the same for Juggledad, since he's only a couple of states away. We should have an Atahualpa Camp at some point, like the famous WordCamps. What do you think??
Old Nov 26, 2009, 12:20 PM
28 posts · Aug 2009
I love it! Sign me up for Ata-Camp 2010!
Channa Connolly
http://www.wordpresszen.com | http://www.webhostingcoach.com
Old Feb 9, 2010, 12:49 AM
8 posts · Jan 2010
Bremerton, WA
Campers unite! Why not a webex/webinar camp? I'd get a new sleepin' bag for this campin' trip!
Old Feb 14, 2010, 10:55 AM
Shepherd Jim's Avatar
Shepherd Jim
301 posts · Feb 2009
Bristol, midcoast Maine USA
Originally Posted by paulae
...<snip>...We should have an Atahualpa Camp at some point, like the famous WordCamps. What do you think??
I'd be a big fan of an ATA-Camp(s) ...maybe calling it(them) "BFA-Camp" would be more inclusive as we wouldn't want the "ThemeFrame folks" to feel excluded.

Okay! You, the reader, may have noticed that I'm allowing for the possibility of there maybe being more than just a single BFA-Camp. Realistically I will not be able to travel hours and hours to reach a weekend venue. Being a REAL shepherd, the kind who has sheep that want to eat on daily basis, it's tough enough for me to get away from the farm for JUST a DAY.

I think we should probably be thinking about having a few regional BFA-Camps, at least here in the States.

I suggest we start a provisional sign-up of those that would be at all interested in meeting face to face with other ATA/BFA aficionados. Anyone know of a site or software that would enable this process? Failing a convenient solution, I volunteer to "gather" peoples' data and collate it all in a simple database. I could just start a thread and post the following as a "template." People could do the usual "quote" forum reply and fill in the blanks.
EMail address:
Happy Lunar New Year to all! Gong Hei Fat Choi!

Old May 24, 2011, 10:33 AM
7 posts · Jul 2010
I had someone ask for an export of my site file because they like my layout, but I'm uncomfortable doing that ... regardless of what's in the file it would require explanation of the plugins and context-based configuration of widgets and take more time than I have at the moment. I'd also be concerned about letting people know what plugins I'm using and which ones I've modified in case there's a security issue. And finally, some of my setup and advice might be outdated :/

Anyway, these are the notes I would want if I were starting over:

1. There are usually plugins for everything involving layout -- it's generally easier to try a few than to do something from scratch.

2. If it takes time to do something and you find yourself repeating a boring process, there's probably a plugin that makes it easier.

1. Set up multiple rows and columns of widget areas based on your needs (under Atahualpa options). Think this through beforehand! They look great on the first page below the main content or if you have content that could go in columns on multiple pages.

2. Use a conditional or section widget for content that you only want on certain pages. This can get a bit burdensome if you have too much, but for a few pages it's okay and an easy way to show content on some pages and not others. Or to vary layout from 3 to 2 columns (You can also do various conditional items in Atahualpa's center column if you like php).

3. Include pages or posts of a certain category using shortcodes or php. This is the way you get recent content showing on multiple pages without uploading it 4-5 times. Also find a plugin to replace files. And be aware that you may need to change your categories later (there's probably a bulk plugin for that).

4. Don't be afraid to suggest features here or to plugin authors.

Last edited by BrianB; May 24, 2011 at 10:39 AM.
Old Sep 24, 2012, 08:52 PM
81 posts · May 2009
I know this addition is late in coming (last post in this thread was 2011...)

I say we renew the vote for BFA-camp!!!

Also, I wanted to throw this little gem out there for newbies... If you're just getting started with html and css, try out cssdesk.com. It's a free web-based tool that allows you to write html and the corresponding css and see how it works instantly. It's particularly useful for learning the intricacies of positioning (relative, static, absolute...), which can be mind-numbing. It also allows you to play with colors, font-sizes, letter-spacing, and all of that other stuff on the fly. In regard to using it with Ata, what I've done in the past is set the body and "post" div to the same css as is in ata, using firebug to see what it is. That way you know you're working under the same conditions (as close as possible) to ata. You can also save the files you create, and even share it via a link. It's a really great tool. I only discovered it recently, but I wish I had known about it for years.
Old Feb 18, 2014, 10:14 AM
Shepherd Jim's Avatar
Shepherd Jim
301 posts · Feb 2009
Bristol, midcoast Maine USA
Donate! ...I can't believe I have to come in here 4 1/2 years after Paula's post to remind Atahualpa users that they need to donate $$$$ (or their currency of choice). More than need to, you should WANT TO.

You've all heard about judging a site, or a theme or whatever on their service. Well, that good advice won't really ring with you until you've been trying FOR HOURS to make something happen on your site. And, you come here and ask the question and Flynn, or Juggledad (his family thinks his name is Paul) or Larry pops up with the solution ...complete with handholding.

Atahualpa has never been the sexiest or coolest theme in WordPress. Atahualpa is a ROCK and we are able to make it display or websites in just about any way we can think of — just using the SOP, out-of-the-box controls built in. Need something that Flynn hadn't included ...just ask. It's hard to believe that only two "moderators" have kept up the servicing of the user FOR YEARS.

Just DONATE! ...
i wish i knew then what i know now

Last edited by juggledad; Feb 18, 2014 at 10:36 AM.


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