I am using "Read More" tags to generate post excerpts and have set Configure EXCERPTS to display Full Posts on all page types. On pages that are normally Multi-Post pages (Home, Category, Archive, Tag, Search, and Author pages), when there is only one post, a single excerpt is displayed with a "Read More" link. The user is likely to be frustrated or annoyed that they must click yet another link and wait for another page to load before they can read the post. I would like to display the full post immediately on such pages when it is the only post. Multiple posts should continue showing only the excerpts. The WordPress Codex gives sample code for this. I have tried pasting the sample code In Style and Edit CENTER COLUMN, "Above the LOOP" as well as in "The LOOP" without success. How do I adapt the WordPress code to work with Atahualpa? (Using 3.4.2 with WP 2.8.4.)
Reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop_...umber_of_Posts