Ok, this appears to be working, aside from one small item.
Just to write it out, here's what I did:
I left this in the content above the loop section:
<?php if( is_page('4') ) { ?>
<?php dynamic_content_gallery(); ?>
<?php } ?>
In DCG, I disabled mootools and set it to appear only on one page by ID (in my case, the ID = 4)
When I only had this:
<?php dynamic_content_gallery(); ?>
In the Content Above The Loop section, we still had issues with the slideshow showing up all over the place.
I noticed that the name of the carousel (default is Featured Article...I changed it to Spotlight) was showing up on the Blog page still. See attached Screen Shot.
I unchecked Display Carousel in DCG and left the word Spotlight in the label field.
It still showed up.
I completely deleted Spotlight (while leaving it unchecked)
And it went away.
Is this really fixed? No idea, but that is where I am.
You may mark this as solved, and thank you for your help.
I am still wondering though, is there a way to exclude a certain page by ID in PHP, just like how this:
<?php if( is_page('4') ) { ?>
Calls a particular page?