It partially integrated into Atahualpa but not fully finished.
NOTE: This may very well not work as expected out of the box
You'd need to add to header.php, where similar lines already exist, around line 21-22, the following JS
if (document.getElementById("rmenu3") != null) { sfHover( 'rmenu3' ); }
with rmenu3 being the ID of the UL of the new menu
This is required for IE6 LI:hover, in any drop down menu
Then install the PHP code widget
Use one instance of it and into the widget put
PHP Code:
<div id="menu3">
<ul id="rmenu3" class="rMenu-ver rMenu">
<?php bfa_hor_cats($bfa_ata['sorting_cat_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['order_cat_menu_bar'],
$bfa_ata['levels_cat_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['titles_cat_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['exclude_cat_menu_bar']); ?>
The function bfa_hor_cats prepares the WP output (which is a plain <ul><li>..</li></ul>) to be used for this menu. It adds extra classes for each menu item that has sub menus. It takes the settings that you set at A. Theme Options -> Category Menu Bar
For the styling see style.css and header.php. The div#menu3 that I used in the example above would be just for differentiating the new menu from the other 2 existing menus (hor. pages and cat menu bar) in the CSS styles.
In style.css and header.php you'll see that in the sections "Presentation: General" and "Presentation: Expanded" several styles are doubled, with the text "Added for dark menu" (this refers to the "dark" horizontal category menu) or "Added" (also for hor. cat. menu).
Wherever you see this, you'd add a 3rd section. This doubling isn't consistent though. Sometimes I used the DIV containers (div#menu1, div#menu2) and sometimes the UL (ul.rMenu, ul#rmenu). You could do your part all with div#menu3. I need to clean up the ul.rMenu/ul#rmenu for better readability.