on my site (http://nadia-eddi.de) I don't want the blog title to be shown in the header, because it is included in the header image. So I tried the option "NO" for not showing the blog title in the theme's settings. But unfortunately it didn't work. It would be great if somebody could help me out!
I even tried to remove this code in the file bfa_header_config.php:
PHP Code:
if ( $bfa_ata_blog_title_show == "Yes" OR $bfa_ata_blog_tagline_show == "Yes" ) {
$logo_area .= '<td ' . $header_rowspan . 'valign="middle" class="logoarea-title">';
if ( $bfa_ata_blog_title_show == "Yes" ) {
$logo_area .= '<h1 class="blogtitle"><a href="' . get_option('home') . '/">' . get_bloginfo('name') . '</a></h1>';
if ( $bfa_ata_blog_tagline_show == "Yes" ) {
$logo_area .= '<p class="tagline">' . get_bloginfo( 'description' ) . '</p>';
$logo_area .= '</td>';
Ok, I finally could remove it. I deleted the following code in the same file mentioned above:
PHP Code:
if ( $bfa_ata_overlay_blog_title == "Yes" OR $bfa_ata_overlay_blog_tagline == "Yes" ) {
$header_image .= '<div class="titleoverlay">' .
( $bfa_ata_overlay_blog_title == "Yes" ? '<h1 class="blogtitle"><a href="' . get_option('home') . '/">' . get_bloginfo('name') . '</a></h1>' : '' ) .
( $bfa_ata_overlay_blog_tagline == "Yes" ? '<p class="tagline">' . get_bloginfo( 'description' ) . '</p>' : '' ) .