Changelog 3.1.7 -> 3.1.8:
- DONE. May need another revision in the future. NextGen gallery thumbnails very small in Firefox 2, Safari and Chrome. (Doesn't happen in Firefox 3, Opera, IE 6, 7 and 8). Also and overall, smaller floated images seem to be shrinked under certain circumstances in the aforementioned browsers, especially in Firefox 2, less so in Safari and Chrome.
- DONE: Make "Save" button much bigger, and move "Reset Everything" button away from them or add confirmation step to avoid accidental resets
- DONE: Add option to not show "You can use these tags" above comment form
- DONE: Add "Edit" link to default post footer settings again.
- DONE: Remove the small margin in Firefox, Safari, Opera between header search box and the line below it.
- DONE: Make it clearer that the sidebar feature "Don't display on Categories:" means "on category pages" and not "on single post pages of that category".
- DONE: Create new atahualpa.pot localization file, existing file throws errors (note: this affects translators but not the theme at this point)
- DONE: Update README-languages.txt
- DONE: Add German, Hungarian, Czech and Portuguese translations
- DONE: Make "Submit Comment" button stylable, so it can be moved around by giving it margin.
- POSTPONED. Requires integration of plugin into theme or own theme functions. Make plugin Tabbed Widgets work
- DONE: Move dynamic CSS from external style.css.php back into header.php as inline CSS again, as it was in Atahualpa 2.x. Style.css.php would occasionally not load in IE6 (every 20th pageview or so). Also, Wordpress (as a company) didn't like the fact that I was accessing the WP database directly instead of going through WP functions. Cons of the new CSS technique: Adds 8-12 kbyte of code to every pageview (This can be fixed by manually pasting the CSS from header.php to style.css after all customization is done). CSS now spread over two locations instead of one (style.css.php): style.css and header.php. Harder to reference images in dynamic CSS, full path url(http://....images/image.gif) now required instead of url(images/image.gif). Pros: Wordpress likes it better, easier to maintain (less tricky code to find the WP database credentials), fully IE6 compatible, less likely to break in future WP versions.
- DONE: Not possible to make the blog title bold if one has set links to 'normal' in the Body,Text & Links section (or vice versa)
- DONE: New WP 2.7 Logout function wp_logout_url added. Old logout links, i.e. in the comments section, would display "You are attempting to log out of ...".
- DONE: Update the BFA Recent Comments widget to work with the new comment URLs in WP 2.7
- Also done: CommentLuv and Subscribe to comments above Submit button, styled CommentLuv inserts, toggle "XHTML: You can use these tags", bigger comment submit button, more space around comment textarea.