Hi Flynn - couple things I'd like to try:
An earlier post deals with removing headlines from pages - but looks like the structure of 333 is radically different now regarding index & function files - how would someone do that with the new setup?
And - is there a way to template that for specific pages? Would I need a different functions file and call to that in a template?
Also regarding headlines - is there a way to have, say, a one-word headline in the page menu vs. a longer headline on the page - to keep the menu small & concise? (I suppose that killing the page title and then adding it as an H1 in the wordpress- edit page could work though?)
And finally... is there a CSS insert that would allow me to style dropdown menu text differently than top-level menu text? (I've got a client that wants to see how close I can replicate an existing HTML site - in this case all caps main, lower case dropdowns).
THANKS for your help!