Now onto my question:
On most of the option pages, there is a explanation for the HTML coding - a this-is-what-the-default-coding-is-for-this-section sort of deal. An example: the Header page. It has plenty of examples for me to look at and figure out what's happening, since HTML is still something I am a newbie at.

But the sidebar widget section (theme options >> Widgets) is decidedly bereft of any helpful guides. I am, in particular, wanting to change the color, font, font size, and perhaps make the words bold? Not sure about that. Anyway, I definitely want to mess with color, font, and font size for both the Widget Title and Widget Content Box, but neither have no info about what is currently there, nor gives me any ideas of what I could put in myself.
I would love any help you could give me. An example that I can edit to fit my site would be awesome.
I'm afraid I can't donate much to the cause because money is extremely tight right now, but I did donate what we could. Thanks in advance - your theme is the BEST I have ever seen, and I truly appreciate it.