Hello All...
I'm currently having the same issue as stated above...using FF 3.5 and Atahualpa 3.4.2...
(ODDLY enough this problem
does not exist under the same build using Google CHROME and IE8...)
I Ran into this problem a while back with 3.4.1 when I INSTALLED the widget:wp-dtree-30
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-dtree-30/... uninstalled problem went away..
I have also read other posts which mention the Share This and Form builder plugin..(
http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthr...?t=2456)...but this was addressed I believe in
Atahualpa 3.3ish....
I actually had/have Form builder and did not have the problem...but uninstalled anyway...just in case..
Removed ALL my plugins...still the problem exist...went back to a known good back up...still problem exists...
I'm beginning to think this is a browser(FF 3.5?) problem...again CHROME and IE8 work...
..added the Ozh drop down menu(nice app btw) and still not working in FF...Chrome and IE are still working no problem...
Help anyone?