Donations are usually posted to the user name immediately if you were logged in while you donated. It seems you were, I see your gold bars and the donation system also sent me an email and added the award to your user name.
Re: Gold forum. My fault to not make this clearer but: The Gold forum is read only. We will post info and downloads there. The Gold forum is not ready yet, something is not working with the access, I will fix this on the weekend. Yes, there is not much in there yet but that will change.
Even as a donor you would post your questions in the open forums. That doesn't mean that donors and non-donors are treated equally. That's what the donation awards are for. I read
Your donation is appreciated and you're welcome, but generally speaking, and just in case: I will issue a no question asked refund to any donor within 30 days. A simple "Please refund my donation" PM to me is all it takes. I don't want anyone to be disgruntled and I will have no hard feelings if a refund was requested.
Originally Posted by LocalGoogleGuru
I also just donated $40 but am not allowed to enter the forum for donors.
I did see a message to the effect of my donation has to be approved or words to that effect.
It was a bit distressing to see so many questions on the free forum and only 3 threads on the paid version... oh well.
I can imagine the huge body of work and countless hours required to not only build this neat theme but to maintain it over various plugins and wordpress revisions, therefore I donated.
I do local search engine optimization and that requires countless hours of maintenance, I can only imagine how more difficult my business would be if I had to add coding to my list of things to fix.
(I was also hoping that a donation would give me access to quicker response to my customization requests - I was 'on the fence' as to weather I was going to purchase Thesis or go with Atahualpa, the business model of Thesis is paid access equals better customer service)