Hi everyone,
Great template - I love it, but I have a little annoying problem on a site I am working on for a friend.
I have a visable comments form on the pages, but not on post. I want the form showing as it makes it more obvious for readers to make comments.
examples are:
a page and a sample post
I don't know if it is relevant but I have noticed that at the bottom of the pages the form is titled 'Leave a reply' but the link at the bottom of the posts state 'leave a comment'. Is this anything to do with it?
<?php // Load Comments template (on single post pages, and "Page" pages, if set on options page)
if ( is_single() OR ( is_page() && $bfa_ata_comments_on_pages == "Yes") ) {
if (function_exists('paged_comments')) {
paged_comments_template(); // If plugin "Paged Comments" is activated, for WP 2.6 and older
} else {
comments_template(); // This will load either legacy comments template (for WP 2.6 and older) or the new standard comments template (for WP 2.7 and newer)
I read in a previous thread that it may have to do with the index.php so I have pasted that section here incase it helps.
I am using wordpress 2.7
Your help would really be appreciated.
Thank you