argh......I havent a clue what I have done but can someone please tell me what to do here as it now won't allow me to do anything - I cant use the whole site now as each time I refresh I get an error message saying:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ')' in /home/cwicsol/public_html/ya_test/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/functions/bfa_theme_options.php on line 990
...PLEASE help me out!!?!
It says:
array( "name" => "Footer Style: Links: Hover",
"category" => "footer-style",
"id" => $shortname."_footer_style_links_hover",
"std" => "text-decoration: none;\ncolor: #777777;\nfont-weight: normal;",
"type" => "textarea-large",
"info" => "Style the links in the footer in hover state."),
array( "name" => "Footer Style: Links: Hover",
"category" => "footer-style",
"std" => ("Copyright © %current-year% %home% - All Rights Reserved","atahualpa"),
"type" => "textarea-large",
"editable" => "yes",
"info" => "Content in the footer area. You can use PHP (in WordPress, but not in WPMU), (X)HTML
and these placeholders ...