I've been using Atahualpa on a page since about March, but Tuesday was the first day we received significant traffic. Things went down in a majorly bad way and I need advice on what part Atahualpa plays and whether it will scale for this level of traffic in the future.
A post was linked by BoingBoing, we got 25,000 views that day and our server was brought to its knees within the first hour of the posting. We're on a shared server, but our hosting is tended by a real pro. Query numbers were unnecessarily high. We disabled all plugins except Akismet, WP Spamfree and WP Super Cache. Queries were still abnormally high. As a last resort, we changed the theme to the default WP theme. This settled things and they've run smoothly as we weathered the storm.
I would love to get feedback from anyone using Atahualpa on a site that gets Slashdot or Digg-like spikes in traffic at times. How has it worked at this level?