I want to display the posts on most of my category pages in reverse chronological order, which is working just fine. But for one category (a glossary of terminology), I would like to display the posts in alphabetical order. I've created a separate category.php file for the glossary, but I can't get the order to change from the order in which I entered the posts. The page in question can be seen at:
So far, I've been playing with the following php code in the template page. Is this the right place or should I be elsewhere? What do I need to change (here or elsewhere) to get the posts alphabetized?
if ( $bfa_ata_archives_category_show == "Yes" ) { ?>
<h3><?php echo $bfa_ata_archives_category_title; ?></h3>
<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=name&order=asc&title_l i=' .
'&show_count=' . ($bfa_ata_archives_category_count == "Yes" ? '1' : '0') .
'&depth=' . $bfa_ata_archives_category_depth .
($bfa_ata_archives_category_feed == "Yes" ? '&feed_image=' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/icons/feed.gif' : '')); ?>
<?php } ?>