Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA (http://forum.bytesforall.com/index.php)
-   Comments, trackbacks & pings (http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=19)
-   -   [SOLVED] Random extra comment box on the bottom (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5466)

burp_excuzme Jan 23, 2010 10:48 PM

[SOLVED] Random extra comment box on the bottom
I've been trying to get comment boxes to appear on my pages (and not just the posts on my main page), and I found this thread: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5031

I copied and pasted that comment.zip that Juggledad provided, and it worked. The comment boxes appeared on my pages...

However....There are now TWO comment boxes, and all my comments appear TWO times for the posts on my home page! You can check it out at my blog here: http://www.burpandslurp.com/2010/01/...ayer/#comments

What is going on? How do I fix this? Please help!:confused:

juggledad Jan 24, 2010 06:07 AM

I would suspect that you added something twice - rename the comment.php and put the original one back and see if the problem still occurs

burp_excuzme Jan 24, 2010 04:37 PM

How do I rename the comment.php? And would that mean I would not have a comment box on my pages then?

burp_excuzme Jan 24, 2010 04:48 PM

I've tried switching back to the original one, but it's still messed up! I don't know what happened! This is wht I have on my comment php right now:

<?php // Do not delete these lines

if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) AND 'comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
die (__('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!','atahualpa'));

if ( post_password_required() ) {
_e('This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.','atahualpa');

global $bfa_ata;
// You can start editing below:

<?php // If there are any comments
if ( have_comments() ) : ?>

<a name="comments"></a><!-- named anchor for skip links -->
<h3 id="comments"><?php // Comment Area Title
comments_number(__('No comments yet to ', 'atahualpa'),
__('1 comment to ', 'atahualpa'), __('% comments to ', 'atahualpa'));
echo get_the_title(); ?></h3>

<?php bfa_next_previous_comments_links('Above'); ?>

<!-- Comment List -->
<ul class="commentlist">

<?php // Do this for every comment
if ($bfa_ata['separate_trackbacks'] == "Yes") {

'reply_text'=>__(' &middot; Reply','atahualpa'),
'login_text'=>__('Log in to Reply','atahualpa'),
'callback' => bfa_comments,
'type' => 'comment'

'reply_text'=>__(' &middot; Reply','atahualpa'),
'login_text'=>__('Log in to Reply','atahualpa'),
'callback' => bfa_comments,
'type' => 'pings'

} else {

'reply_text'=>__(' &middot; Reply','atahualpa'),
'login_text'=>__('Log in to Reply','atahualpa'),
'callback' => bfa_comments,
'type' => 'all'

} ?>

<!-- / Comment List -->

<?php bfa_next_previous_comments_links('Below'); ?>

<?php else : // If there are NO comments ?>

<?php // If comments are open
if ( ('open' == $post->comment_status)
OR ( is_page() and ('Yes' == $bfa_ata[comments_on_pages]) and ('open' == $post->comment_status) )) : ?>
<!-- .... -->

<?php else : // If comments are closed: ?>

<?php echo $bfa_ata['comments_are_closed_text']; ?>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php endif; // END of "If there are NO comments" ?>

<?php // If comments are open
if ('open' == $post->comment_status) : ?>

<?php // If Login is required and User is not logged in
if ( get_option('comment_registration') && !$user_ID ) : ?>

<p><?php printf(__('You must be %slogged in</a> to post a comment.', 'atahualpa'),
'<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' .
urlencode(get_permalink()) . '">')?></p>

<?php else : // If Login is not required, or User is logged in ?>

<!-- Comment Form -->
<div id="respond">

<a name="commentform"></a><!-- named anchor for skip links -->
<h3 class="reply"><?php comment_form_title($noreplytext = __('Leave a Reply','atahualpa'),
$replytext = __('Leave a Reply to %s','atahualpa'), $linktoparent = TRUE); ?></h3>

<div id="cancel-comment-reply">
<?php cancel_comment_reply_link(__('Cancel','atahualpa') ); ?>

<form action="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php"
method="post" id="commentform">

<?php // If User is logged in
if ( $user_ID ) : ?>

<p><?php printf(__('Logged in as %s.', 'atahualpa'), '<a href="' .
get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/profile.php">' . $user_identity .
<a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(get_permalink()); ?>" title="
<?php _e('Log out of this account','atahualpa'); ?>">
<?php _e('Logout &raquo;','atahualpa'); ?></a></p>

<?php // If User is not logged in: Display the form fields "Name", "Email", "URL"
else : ?>

<input class="text author" type="text" name="author" id="author" value="<?php echo $comment_author; ?>" size="30" tabindex="1" />&nbsp;
<label for="<?php _e('author','atahualpa'); ?>"> <strong>
<?php _e('Name ','atahualpa'); echo "</strong>";
if ($req) _e('(required)','atahualpa'); ?></label>

<input class="text email" type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?php echo $comment_author_email; ?>" size="30" tabindex="2" />&nbsp;
<label for="<?php _e('email','atahualpa'); ?>"> <strong>
<?php _e('Mail</strong> (will not be published) ','atahualpa');
if ($req) _e('(required)','atahualpa'); ?></label>

<input class="text url" type="text" name="url" id="url" value="<?php echo $comment_author_url; ?>" size="30" tabindex="3" />&nbsp;
<label for="<?php _e('url','atahualpa'); ?>">
<?php _e('Website','atahualpa'); ?></label>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php // Display Quicktags or allowed XHTML Tags
if (function_exists('lmbbox_comment_quicktags_display ')) {

echo "<p>"; lmbbox_comment_quicktags_display(); echo "</p>";

} else {

if ($bfa_ata['show_xhtml_tags'] == "Yes") { ?>
<p class="thesetags clearfix">
<?php printf(__('You can use %1$sthese HTML tags</a>','atahualpa'),
'<a class="xhtmltags" href="#" onclick="return false;">'); ?></p>
<div class="xhtml-tags"><p><code><?php echo allowed_tags(); ?>

<?php }
} ?>

<!-- Comment Textarea -->
<p><textarea name="comment" id="comment" rows="10" cols="10" tabindex="4"></textarea></p>
<?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>

<!-- Submit -->
<p><input name="submit" type="submit" class="button" id="submit"
tabindex="5" value="<?php _e('Submit Comment','atahualpa'); ?>" />
<?php comment_id_fields(); ?></p>

</div><!-- / respond -->
<!-- / Comment Form -->

<?php // End of: If Login is not required, or User is logged in
endif; ?>

<?php // End of: If comments are open
endif; ?>

burp_excuzme Jan 24, 2010 08:14 PM

Please help?

juggledad Jan 25, 2010 04:13 AM

what version of Atahualpa and WP?

burp_excuzme Jan 25, 2010 01:05 PM

I have Atahualpa 3.4.4, and WP 2.9.1

juggledad Jan 25, 2010 03:00 PM

please download and the comment.php in post#8 of http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5031 and see what happens

burp_excuzme Jan 25, 2010 03:29 PM

I'm sorry, it's still the same! I don't understand what happened. Even when I try to fix it back to the original one, the comment system is messed up. And in the editor section of themes, is there supposed to be another comment php called legacy.comments.php?

Is it possible for you to take a look at my editor section?

juggledad Jan 25, 2010 03:58 PM

send me a PM with an admin ID and password

juggledad Jan 25, 2010 05:06 PM

Well taking a quick look, it seems you have made other changes to the base code. bfa-post_parts.php has also been changed. Since you don't know what you did, I would suggest that you copy what is in teh atahualpa folder to a folder on your computer, then upload a fresh copy of atahualpa. You could then compare teh code to figure out what (and why) you changed things.

p.s. don't forget to go and change your admin password

burp_excuzme Jan 25, 2010 06:11 PM

Thank you.
But how do I copy the one I have now into a folder? And how do I upload a new one?

burp_excuzme Jan 25, 2010 06:14 PM

Also, how do I know which ones to change? Do you suggest any other particular base codes?

burp_excuzme Jan 25, 2010 06:25 PM

Sorry for dominating this thread.
But I FIXED IT!!! I figured it out: the main index was messed up. Funny, because I never even touched it. I think maybe when I changed my comment.php, it automatically did something to my index php too. But it's strange that this didn't happen to other people.

Anyway, thank you very much! :D

juggledad Jan 26, 2010 03:20 AM

you must have changed it at some point. Editing one file doesn't cause a change to a second file. If that ever happens, we are all in BIG trouble.

Moral: If you change teh code, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT. I don't know about you, but I but my wife will tell me to do something and 20 minutes later I can't remember it ;)

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