Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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-   -   How do you make a right side bar on "Page" pages present different content (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=1774)

nasu May 24, 2009 07:08 PM

How do you make a right side bar on "Page" pages present different content
How do you make a right side bar on a "Page" page present 'blog categries' but
random text/imges instead on a side bar of another "Page" page? Is it possible?

juggledad May 25, 2009 05:06 AM

this is not a Atahualpa issue. If you search the WordPress forums you will find many queries on this topic

To quote from one;

"You either use different template files that call different sidebar files or use
Conditional_Tags - eventually, both combined.

You will also have to learn about Template_Hierarchy and Category_Templates."

So...it can be done but...it will take YOU a lot of work.

nasu May 25, 2009 12:35 PM

Thank you for your reply, Juggledad. It sounds like beyond me for now. I'll give it up for now. I've seen a site where it has a dfferent photo in a side bar from page to page. I'd like to learn to do it eventually...any suggestion on how to go about learning--I guess php from a scratch? Should I do that? I suppose I could take an online summer class at a community college...

juggledad May 25, 2009 01:15 PM

getting a different photo in a sidebar depending on the page is a lot different than having different widgets in the sidebar depending on the page.

If you want a different photo on different you could use something like nextgen gallery.

As for learning it all...big subject. My suggestion, make a test wordpress site and play with it. Try each of the options and see what they do. You can also take a class, but if you're not going to DO development in PHP, it might be better to find other ways around your issues, or change your needs (this is much simpler). Ask yourself, do I have to have 'X or can I live with 'Y'.

there are some great site out on the internet and some big money has gone into making them. Flynn has given all us little guys a leg up. (ok, I'm not a little guy, I've been playing with computers, mainfranes to pc for 30 years. I did tech support and picked up quite a few computer languages over the years. While I can look at the code Flynn has written and figure it out, I'd rather live within my limits until I can find a way arround them - case in point, I like rotating images, found some code, Flynn put it in, BUT I'd really like to use NextGen Gallerys but I can't figure out how to make the tops of the image box rounded. So I'll live with the current method until something else comes along.

Sorry for the long rambling answer

nasu May 25, 2009 07:11 PM

Thank you for your reply. I'm very interested in what you said in the first line. (The rest of the points are well taken. I agree and thank you for our words. Much appreciated.)

Eventually, I'd like to learn to make two different templates that call for different side bar files. I'll go to WordPress forum and start reading.

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