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-   -   RSS feeds not displaying in sidebars (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=2105)

courgettelawn Jun 19, 2009 04:54 AM

RSS feeds not displaying in sidebars

I have just upgraded to Wordpress 2.8 and so the precise instructions to activate the sidebars using Atahualpa 3.3.2 do not seem to work.

I can drag and drop the RSS widget and set it up but nothing displays, even when I adjust the sidebar width. :(

The odd thing that is happening is that when I have two RSS feeds set up, sometimes one ends up being a duplicate of the other, overwriting the settings so it looks like I have set up two of the same feeds... if that makes sense!

Is there a glitch here with WP 2.8 and this version of Atahualpa? Is it worth me upgrading the theme to 3.3.3.?

Any help much appreciated.

EDIT: Just installed 3.3.3. to see if it makes a difference. Unfortunately it doesn't. Do I have to roll back to WP 2.7 or is there something very obvious I am missing?

juggledad Jun 19, 2009 06:05 AM

I've just added the RSS widget to the sidebar in WP2.8 Atahualpa 3.3.3 and it works fine. Please post your url so I can take a look.

courgettelawn Jun 19, 2009 06:53 AM

:o Oh dear. Such a simple error on my part. Using feed:// instead of http:// caused the glitches. Erg.

Thank you!

CaptOblivious Aug 6, 2009 07:44 AM

I'm having the same issue, but it's not a problem of using "feed://" instead of "http://". My problem is related to the number of posts displayed. If I tell the RSS widget to show 9 or more posts, it works. If I tell the RSS widget to display 5 or fewer, it wipes out the entire sidebar and the footer (don't know what happens between 6 and 8 posts; haven't tested that much). Example can be had here:
On the left is a 10-post RSS widget. The left sidebar contains a blogroll widget, which is wiped out by the other widget, a 3-post RSS widget pointing to the very same site as the 10-post widget on the left.

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