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-   -   Responsive Atahualpa (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=22921)

Flynn Nov 14, 2014 11:12 AM

Responsive Atahualpa
see How To pass Google's 'Mobile-Friendly Test' which contains the information in this thread

Here is a CSS fix to make Atahualpa responsive. If you have sidebars on the left you'd need the JavaScript below as well, or else the left sidebars will be above the main area when in mobile mode.
Adjust the values 767 (CSS) and 768 (JS, see below) to the viewport width at which you want the layout columns to align below each other:

Add the following CSS to "Add HTM/CSS Inserts" -> "CSS Inserts"


@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    table#layout > tbody,
    table#layout > tbody > tr,
    table#layout > tbody > tr > td,
    table#layout > tr,
    table#layout > tr > td,
    table#layout td#header,
    table#layout td#left,
    table#layout td#left-inner,
    table#layout td#middle,
    table#layout td#right,
    table#layout td#right-inner,
    table#layout td#footer {
        display: block;
    table#layout > colgroup {
        display: none;
    td#middle {
        width: auto;
.hentry img {
    max-width: 100%;   
    height: auto !important;
    display: block !important;

This should be all, if you have no left sidebars. It may work without the !important for .hentry img

To keep the main column on top, even with left sidebars:

Add the following to "Add HTM/CSS Inserts" -> "HTML Inserts: Body Bottom"


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    if( $(window).width() < 768 ) {
        // If any left sidebar exists
        if ( $('#left').length || $('#left-inner').length ) { 

This Javascript does not take into account browser resizing. This is only done once on page load.

The CSS is tested, the JS not. Let me know if it does not work.

This solution does not take care of thing like switching to a mobile menu, however the menu items should wrap.

juggledad Nov 14, 2014 06:03 PM

it mess up the default calender widget - you end up with one date per line.

Flynn Nov 15, 2014 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by juggledad (Post 110797)
it mess up the default calender widget - you end up with one date per line.

I made the CSS more specific

juggledad Nov 15, 2014 09:27 AM

That's better!!:)

sky captain Dec 11, 2014 11:03 AM

Didn't work for me?

I tried this, looked at my blog on the iphone, and nothing was different. Tried it with and without the Henry section.

I have no left sidebar, so I didn't include the javascript.

dynamicwebs Jan 11, 2015 10:15 PM

ok, I added this code to http://profilepictures.co.nz... it did not seem to have an effect on iPhone and iPad display at all... it did though in a browser. How should handle resizing the banner?

extremecarver Jan 21, 2015 06:42 AM

I did the above hack - however comments get scrambled once the responsive layout kicks in and the sidebar gets moved to the bottom.

Comments then overlay the sidebar which is moved to the bottom.
(yeah - and as noted it does not help to make atahualpa more responsive on mobile screens - as it does not take into account dpi/ppi.

That's at least my experience. If there was some kind of ppi detection - or mobile phone browser detection - and comment problem fixed - it would actually be very useful. Right now it's more playing around without any usefulness (except people on desktop browser surfing with very small narrow window - at least for my layout with a single right widget sidebar).

extremecarver Jan 21, 2015 10:00 AM

Okay - here are my complete HTML/CSS Inserts - this is working well (except broken comments) for layout with right sidebar. Even images work now - however you need to make sure image size is NOT set. Images will be scaled correctly! (anyone knows a plugin to go through all images and unset the size?) - off course the problem is that mobile devices won't use it - because their resolution is too high - and there is no PPI factor here.


div#imagecontainer {
background-size:cover !important;

div#container {
padding-left 20px !important;
padding-right 20px !important;

img {
    border: 0 none;
    max-width: 100%;
    vertical-align: middle;

@media only screen and (max-width: 840px) {
    table#layout > tbody,
    table#layout > tbody > tr,
    table#layout > tbody > tr > td,
    table#layout > tr,
    table#layout > tr > td,
    table#layout td#header,
    table#layout td#left,
    table#layout td#left-inner,
    table#layout td#middle,
    table#layout td#right,
    table#layout td#right-inner,
    table#layout td#footer {
        display: block;
    table#layout > colgroup {
        display: none;
    td#middle {
        width: auto;

extremecarver Jan 21, 2015 10:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
That's how comments look - anyone got a solution or same problem?
- Comments are fine as long as the sidebar is shown on the right hand side - once the sidebar moves down - it will be below the squashed comments.

sky captain Feb 11, 2015 12:04 PM

What's the latest update on the rumored update to Atahualpa that includes responsive-ness? I might have to reluctantly trudge over to Montezuma... but I've looked at it before and I got intimidated.

Darn it! I like Atahualpa and want to use it forever, but I have clients who want a responsive site.

moomum Feb 14, 2015 05:19 AM

oh me too! I'd love Atahualpa to be responsive. I've gone over to the dark side and bought a responsive theme for a job that needs doing quite quickly - it is hell on a stick. Really limiting although it was presented as fully customisable. I've been spoiled with Atahualpa and I'm used to being able to do things like make sidebars a consistent width throughout the site or style widgets easily. This theme needs loads of coding just to make those simple things happen. My css isn't up to Montezuma yet though I'm working on it. I'd really happily pay money for a responsive Atahualpa.

kayphoonstar Feb 18, 2015 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Flynn (Post 110795)
Add the following to "Add HTM/CSS Inserts" -> "HTML Inserts: Body Bottom"


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    if( $(window).width() < 768 ) {
        // If any left sidebar exists
        if ( $('#left').length || $('#left-inner').length ) { 

This Javascript does not take into account browser resizing. This is only done once on page load.

Without being able to account for a screen resize, it just didn't seem feasible to try and keep the left sidebar. So, I was playing around a bit and in order to account for a screen resize (such as a change in orientation on an iPad - or loading a page in a small browser window and then maximizing) this seems to work:


<script type="text/javascript">
        function OnResizeDocument () {
 if( window.innerWidth < 820 ) {
    jQuery(function($) {
if( window.innerWidth > 820 ) {
    jQuery(function($) {

Adding that script to "HTML Inserts: Header" and adding this to the body tag ("HTML Inserts: Body Tag"):
HTML Code:

<body onresize="OnResizeDocument()" >

Note: I'm using 820px instead of 768px in order to keep my nav bar from resizing.

The CSS adjustments are really, really nice! Thank you!

sawyerjw Mar 1, 2015 06:47 PM

For those who are finding the CSS doesn't work on mobiles as is, try adding the following to the HTML Inserts: Header section:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">

You'll also need these tags to make Google happy. Without them they will flag the site as "not mobile friendly" even though you have the media query in your CSS.

I'm not seeing a problem with comments on my test site, but there is only one post with a comment so far.

extremecarver Mar 12, 2015 07:25 AM


Thanks a lot for your reply. That was clearly missing. I got now 94 points on usability in google pagespeed insights.. (only some buttons to close to each user).

Adding to this - if you want to pass the google mobile test - you need to set the minimum page layout width to 320 pixels and no larger. Effectively something like 600 is much much better for real time use - but then it doesn't pass google tests - so that stays a bit a dilemma. At least for users with good eyes - 320 is really not good. So do it for google and blind people - or better optimize for real users??

Actually - how could one exclude the top navigation bar if viewport is smaller than X - say smaller than 600 pixels? (I use instead a menu in the right bar - which is moved down).

I got the comments fixed somehow now - but dunno why.

Pikkals Mar 18, 2015 10:36 AM

I am so happy! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Everything looks perfect and I have 2 left columns to deal with and comments are great.

Google test says: Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.

extremecarver Apr 14, 2015 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by kayphoonstar (Post 111594)
Adding that script to "HTML Inserts: Header" and adding this to the body tag ("HTML Inserts: Body Tag"):
HTML Code:

<body onresize="OnResizeDocument()" >

Ouch - I finally found the bug in this one - Do not add the the smaller at the beginning "<" nor the ">" at the end - just:

body onresize="OnResize Document()"
is needed. Otherwise there will be an empty line introduced at the top... (and if you retry with Chrome - make sure to use incognito modus - I don't know at all but without fully resetting Chrome - chrome will run a bit havoc and sometimes not effect the changes - even though all others browsers work fine).

extremecarver Apr 14, 2015 09:56 AM

Well - so Overall I'm left with the following on PageSpeed (as probably anybody using Atahualpa):
Remove Render Blocking Scripts (one of which is by Atahualpa - the last:


And of course loads of:
"Size tap targets appropriately"

Anyone got any good recommendations on how to manage the tap targets better?
Also it would be great to have some code to get rid of the Menu1 alltogether if viewport is smaller than 640 pixels (that should mean all smartphones - and maybe some tablets).

Mobilegeddon is just a few days away - and I am afraid that the tap targets are still a big showstopper - and I like most atahualpa users will even with the above changes lose a lot of search traffic from google.

extremecarver Apr 16, 2015 12:10 PM

What problems does google report for you?
Do you also have probs that the CSS is not working consistently and that the Sidebar from time to time is not actually removed but made smaller and detached but still there? (especially in Chrome - only Firefox is okay all the time for me).

If I don't find out why this sidebar problem exists - I will have to move to another theme before 21. April.

The Tap sizes are pretty much unsolvable for me - but it is possible to get to a rating that google stops complaining (if the sidebars vanish correctly - then usually 90-92 points on usability which is hopefully good enough). The rest is basically making sure it's speedy enough. I can get to 74-79 Points on Mobile Speed (95 points were possible if some third party plugins worked bettter) using ngx_pagespeed module and W3Total Cache (including minifying as well as possible).

Whats your domain?

yukoner Apr 16, 2015 04:08 PM

My domain is normhamilton.ca
There is a single page site that provides entry to my photography, writing or blog.
There are no side bars on this page at all.

Google's Mobile-Friendly Test gives the following response.

Not mobile-friendly
Page appears not mobile-friendly
  • Text too small to read
  • Mobile viewport not set
  • Links too close together
  • Content wider than screen


As I was reading through Google's pages in the PageSpeed Insights I it suggested I configure a viewpoint, and gave a link to some instructions. I added the following to the Add HTML/CSS Inserts/HTML Inserts: Header

<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

It now says the site is mobile friendly. I'll have to see what happens now with the sites that have multiple plugins, e-commerce and a right side bar.

extremecarver Apr 16, 2015 05:24 PM

Well you definitely forgot from the above explications:
body onresize="OnResize Document()"

Then Mobile viewport not set and Content wider than screen would not happen. Text too small is easily solvable (use 1em as minimum size and nothing smaller - you will need to check all style settings).
and Links too close together is hard. I don't know how to solve it (same for my tap sizes to small problem).

ozbod Apr 17, 2015 02:41 AM

Is there a fully responsive version of ATA coming soon?

yukoner Apr 19, 2015 06:29 PM

This works great on three of my sites, including a test site. Really pleased with that. However on two other sites, when viewed on a mobile, the site is limited in width to about 1/4 of the screen on my phone or doesn't move the sidebar below the main on my tablet. Text runs down left side instead of across the page. Any help is appreciated.
See Spirit Knives Yukon

I've been unable to locate what is causing the problem. I thought it might be the shopping cart, but it works OK on my test site with the shopping cart in place.

This is what I've put into the HTML/CSS Inserts (Everything has been cut and pasted from this thread)

HTML Inserts: Header

<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

HTML Inserts: Body Tag

body onresize="OnResize Document()"

HTML Inserts: Body Bottom

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
if( $(window).width() < 768 ) {
// If any left sidebar exists
if ( $('#left').length || $('#left-inner').length ) {

CSS Inserts

/* Make Atahualpa Responsive */

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
table#layout > tbody,
table#layout > tbody > tr,
table#layout > tbody > tr > td,
table#layout > tr,
table#layout > tr > td,
table#layout td#header,
table#layout td#left,
table#layout td#left-inner,
table#layout td#middle,
table#layout td#right,
table#layout td#right-inner,
table#layout td#footer {
display: block;
table#layout > colgroup {
display: none;
td#middle {
width: auto;
.hentry img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto !important;
display: block !important;

juggledad Apr 20, 2015 12:43 AM

@yukoner: You have a syntax error in your body statement and many syntax errors in your CSS Inserts

yukoner Apr 20, 2015 09:04 AM

Thanks Juggledad.

Do you mean errors in the what I'm adding here or something that was pre-existing before I added this?

Covale Apr 20, 2015 10:28 AM

Dreams do come true! Thanks for making this happen!

juggledad Apr 20, 2015 11:40 AM

You have at least one open bracket where you should have a close bracket

Do this, add the following to the very begining of the CSS Inserts
HTML Code:

body {
    background-color: #00ffff;
    background-image: none;

go look at the page - is the background a light blue? (it should be).

Now move that CSS to the end of the CSS Inserts and go view the page. Is the background light blue? Probably not it you haven't fixed teh syntax errors, so move the code halfway up in the CSS Inserts to see if you can find the error. If it works, you know the error is in the bottom half of your CSS Inserts and keep repeating, if it doesn't then you know the error is in the top half of the CSS inserts. Keep moving it and you can narrow down the issue and find and fix it.

yukoner Apr 20, 2015 07:10 PM

For some reason the only way I can find this suggestion from you was to quote another response from you. That said, this did the trick for Spirit Knives Yukon. Now on to the other site; it has a left sidebar. Thanks for this very helpful suggestion, Juggledad.


Originally Posted by juggledad (Post 112110)
You have at least one open bracket where you should have a close bracket

Do this, add the following to the very begining of the CSS Inserts
HTML Code:

body {
background-color: #00ffff;
background-image: none;

go look at the page - is the background a light blue? (it should be).

Now move that CSS to teh end of the CSS Inserts and go view the page. Is the background light blue? Probably not it you haven't fixed teh syntax errors, so move the code halfway up in the CSS Inserts to see if you can find the error. If it works, you know the error is in the bottom half of your CSS Inserts and keep repeating, if it doesn't then you know the error is in the toop haalf of the CSS inserts. Keep moving it and you can narrow down the issue and find and fix it.

extremecarver Apr 21, 2015 07:31 AM

Actually how can we remove the Top Menu if width smaller X?

Then we could use Responsive Menu instead - because the Menu really does not work well for mobile - but it would be a shame to use an Responsive menu on desktop too (not very quick for desktop and people do not look out for it!).

juggledad Apr 21, 2015 09:58 AM

With a few minutes using a code examiner and looking at the CSS in this thread, you should be able to puzzle it out and learn something to boot.

If you have problems, post what you have tried and why and we'll see if I can help you solve the issue yourself.

extremecarver Apr 21, 2015 10:03 AM

Well I would guess somehow like the following - but I don't know what the menu bar is instead of middle here..

<script type="text/javascript">
function OnResizeDocument () {
if( window.innerWidth < 820 ) {
jQuery(function($) {

extremecarver Apr 21, 2015 10:17 AM

Well I guess it's called
div#menu1 ul.rMenu
ur ul.rMenu

but neither works with my above code example...
So nothing of this works:

if( window.innerWidth < 800 ) {
jQuery(function($) {
if( window.innerWidth < 800 ) {
jQuery(function($) {
$("#div#menu1 ul.rMenu").remove;
if( window.innerWidth < 800 ) {
jQuery(function($) {

juggledad Apr 21, 2015 10:41 AM

it's all done in the CSS...

extremecarver Apr 21, 2015 12:43 PM


@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
    table#layout > tbody,
    table#layout > tbody > tr,
    table#layout > tbody > tr > td,
    table#layout > tr,
    table#layout > tr > td,
    table#layout td#header,
    table#layout td#left,
    table#layout td#left-inner,
    table#layout td#middle,
    table#layout td#right,
    table#layout td#right-inner,
    table#layout td#footer {
        display: block;
    table#layout > colgroup {
        display: none;
    div#menu1 {
    display: none;
    td#middle {
        width: auto;

Okay - finally got it. For anyone who want to do the same - it's div#menu1 in the above code of the CSS inserts. Wow - took me a long time learning all that CSS code...

When to do this? If you get the dreaded "tSize tap targets appropriately" message in your google webmaster / pagespeed insights mobile - User Interface (and identify that it's the menu bar that is responsible).

I actually recommend to do this in any case - as the menu1 is really impossible to use with submenus on a mobile phone. If you only use pages without subpages you may be fine not using this hack, however as soon as ...

Then Install "Responsive Menu" plugin or similar (like "WP Responsive Menu" or others). Responsive Menu automatically detects the screen size below which it should be activated... (if not you can set it manually too). Have not tried out other responsive menus yet though...

yukoner Apr 25, 2015 05:22 PM

Well, using the information on this thread and the one linked to at the beginning, I've gotten 4 out of 5 sites working wonderfully with mobiles. This last one, see link below, has me stumped. I've spent a few days now to no avail.

I've used Juggledad's suggestion of putting
body {
background-color: #00ffff;
background-image: none;
into the CSS inserts at the beginning and end - the background says light blue for both, indicating there are no syntax issues in the CSS inserts. I've deactivated all my plugins - still didn't work. I've even tried removing the left sidebar and that didn't help, so I put it back. The left sidebar shifts to the middle of the page on my mobile(s), but the sidebars are not appending under each other as they are on my other sites. With the left sidebar removed, the main body and right sidebar remain side-by-side. I know this will be something simple that I'm unable to locate. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


juggledad Apr 26, 2015 04:57 AM

You have a syntax error in your CSS Inserts. Do this

1) do an export of yout settings (ATO->Export/Import_
2) take everything BUT the responsive code out of the CSS Inserts and put it in a text file. Then one by one (or two by two) cut the CSS out of the text file and put it back into the CSS Inserts and test the site. at some point it will fail and you'll know the bad CSS

yukoner Apr 26, 2015 10:09 AM

Found it! There was an extra close bracket right near the end of the CSS inserts.

Thanks Juggledad. Learning these methods of investigating the CSS inserts is invaluable.

kayphoonstar May 23, 2015 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by extremecarver (Post 112067)
Ouch - I finally found the bug in this one - Do not add the the smaller at the beginning "<" nor the ">" at the end - just:

body onresize="OnResize Document()"
is needed. Otherwise there will be an empty line introduced at the top... (and if you retry with Chrome - make sure to use incognito modus - I don't know at all but without fully resetting Chrome - chrome will run a bit havoc and sometimes not effect the changes - even though all others browsers work fine).

Ouch, indeed! Thank you for pointing this out.

I also found another issue with this but I'm not sure when it started. I only discovered it when updating Atahualpa to 3.7.23 and WP to 4.2.2. I had a problem with pages where there is an input field on Android devices: the keyboard won't stay up because Android adjusts the screen size when the virtual keyboard pops up which then runs the 'onresize' function again and the input field loses focus and the keyboard disappears - it is an ugly loop. AFAIK, it's only Android. iOS doesn't exhibit the same issue.

At this point the only workaround I could get to work was to remove the left sidebar from any pages that have an input field and adding back the check for a left sidebar function:

if ( $('#left').length || $('#left-inner').length ) { 

That seems to keep the 'onresize' function from firing and the keyboard stays up for text input.
Also, FWIW, I've switched to using the 'window.onresize' function in a separate file:

window.onresize = resize;

    function resize(){
if( window.innerWidth < 820 ) {
    jQuery(function($) {
        // If any left sidebar exists
        if ( $('td#left').length  ) { 
        } else
if( window.innerWidth > 820 ) {
    jQuery(function($) {
        // If any left sidebar exists
        if ( $('td#left').length  ) { 

...and put it directly into the functions.php file:

function resize_window()
    wp_register_script( 'resize', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/resize.js', array( 'jquery') );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'resize_window' );

I hope this helps somebody. Cheers!

Sally Aug 24, 2015 11:23 AM

WPTouch is crashing my site so I can't use it anymore...

After reading all the comments here and the different hacks, I'm not sure the original insert will get the job done?

I'd happily pay for ATA to have it be responsive. Having to add more inserts for 30 sites to get them all responsive is a lot of time and frustration. Most people surf on devices these days.


tbaxter Nov 22, 2016 04:02 PM

I am not fluent enough in code to grasp all of the variations after the first two posts in this thread.

Do I need to use any of these in my site to make it pass the Google Mobile Test?

Please advise. And thanks.

juggledad Nov 22, 2016 04:34 PM

did you try it? did it pass or fail?

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