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derekwbeck Sep 1, 2014 03:47 AM

Atahualpa 4.0 = responsive
Any news on the coming Atahualpa 4.0, a fully responsive theme?

Flynn Sep 1, 2014 06:03 AM

Yes Atahualpa 4 will be fully responsive, and modular.

I am working on the last few things. I refactored everything once again to make it very WP compliant, lighter, easier to understand and modular.

- I threw away a new feature where you could build layouts with shortcodes, as a middle ground between "point and click" and "child themes". Similar to what Montezuma has, but with shortcodes instead of pseudo PHP code. However these "middle layers" apparently do not provide enough value while necessarily making the theme structure unorthodox and thus surpsrising (and annoying) for more experienced users who want to look under the hood and perhaps make a child theme.

- Yesterday I threw away the OOP oriented "options engine" I had made. Like all other existing option frameworks it grew big and complicated, while still not being able to cover every theme option page layout need. The new options engine is just 1 file of 10 kbyte. It is still OOP and still uses the WP Settings API and validation but without some of the unnecessary functions that WP provides, which do nothing more than spitting out the options in a linear fashion.

- The theme option pages will be relatively small. All visual things can be controlled through the Live Customizer.

The theme itself is just 1 Megabyte and a bit over 100 files.

It has over 20 accompying plugins that add functionality. The plugins won't be free (but the theme itself still won't be crippled, it has Masonry Layout, Slideshows for galleries etc.).

The plugins are

- Live Customizer
- Revolution Slider
- Siteorigin Page Builder Extension (adds image, parallax, video background etc...)
- Google Fonts (complete set, all subsets and variants, auto-updates itself)
- Upload Fonts
- Upload custom Icon Font (also has 3 integrated icon fonts)
- Pricing Tables
- Woocommerce Integration
- bbpress Integration
- Portfolio Custom Post Type

and a dozen others.

The WooCommerce and bbpress "Intergration" plugins carry the theme's custom page templates and necessary CSS and functions for those big plugins. So if someone doesn't want a shop or forum he just doesn't install those integration plugins and keeps having a lightweight theme. This is usually not the case with other "Woo/bbpress ready" themes.

For shortcodes I've made it play well with Shortcodes Ultimate. Any custom shortcodes I might add would be available through the Shortcodes Ultimate user interface.

paulae Sep 1, 2014 08:14 AM

Looking forward to 4.0, Flynn! Thanks for all your work.

WebHeer Sep 1, 2014 01:01 PM

Is there a aprox release date?

derekwbeck Sep 1, 2014 05:04 PM

So, basically it sounds awesome! Can't wait for it! It is really great that it will integrate with so many major plugins. It's also really great that it will remain light weight for those of us that don't want/need bbpress/woocommerce.

jakobsmith Sep 2, 2014 05:01 AM

This thread looks very interesting :-)
How will upgrading from 3.7.* work? I guess not without quirks.

juggledad Sep 2, 2014 05:39 AM


How will upgrading from 3.7.* work? I guess not without quirks.
Ah, Jacob, it looks like you have done many a software upgrade ;)

jakobsmith Sep 2, 2014 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by juggledad (Post 110151)
Ah, Jacob, it looks like you have done many a software upgrade ;)

I have ;) and I will of course also work this out. Just curiously asking for the details. Not trying to talk it down.

juggledad Sep 2, 2014 06:37 AM

Untill Flynn releases it I have no wisdom to pass on :(

enri1968 Sep 4, 2014 06:14 AM

Great news! thanks very much

gr870sfunk Sep 4, 2014 08:57 AM

So exciting! Can't wait. I LOVE this theme so much!

derekwbeck Sep 4, 2014 11:18 AM

I'm guessing Flynn is mum on the release date because he is feverishly working on finalizing it, waiting for that day we he can proudly announce "It's done! Hit update in your WP Admin panel now!"

E-TARD Sep 7, 2014 09:54 AM

This thread is putting some fear in me about the future of this theme

When you say "It has over 20 accompying plugins that add functionality. The plugins won't be free"

So the plugins will be in the zip with the theme?

So will all of the plugins be pay?
even this one "Live Customizer"
& how much will they be? & will it be a one time pay for the plugins?

Can you give more info to about this
"but the theme itself still won't be crippled, it has Masonry Layout, Slideshows for galleries etc."

Like hypothetically if I had 4.0 now & changed over to it, would my site look & work the same or would I need to pay for plugins??

I only ask so I can start setting aside the $ for it if need be.

my only fear is what will the admin experience be like if one does not pay for the plugins,
is it going to so striped down to a point where I will have pay for the plugins or be looking for a new Theme?

I am happy that your working on v4.0 ;) keep up the good work.

windhover4 Sep 8, 2014 09:30 AM

How very exciting that Atahualpa is continuing to move forward into the essential mobile responsive era. We all owe so much to Flynn's work to date, and the Moderators like Juggledad and Lmilesw who have day to day made it work--there should be no need for any apprehensions about what comes next! Thanks Guys...we need this, and I for one can't wait!

stevinoz Sep 10, 2014 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Flynn (Post 110128)
Yes Atahualpa 4 will be fully responsive, and modular...

- Live Customizer
- Revolution Slider
- Siteorigin Page Builder Extension (adds image, parallax, video background etc...)
- Google Fonts (complete set, all subsets and variants, auto-updates itself)
- Upload Fonts
- Upload custom Icon Font (also has 3 integrated icon fonts)
- Pricing Tables
- Woocommerce Integration
- bbpress Integration
- Portfolio Custom Post Type

and a dozen others.

This sounds soo different that I think it warrants a new name and to stand on it's own, that way anyone that doesn't like too much change can just stay with the "old version" and yet still get security and minor updates, what do you think Flynn?

derekwbeck Sep 11, 2014 01:34 AM

That's asking too much, to maintain the two themes, not to mention Montezuma and ThemeFrame.

enri1968 Sep 11, 2014 07:49 AM

Is it possible to have a preview, please?

rodrigoxp Oct 27, 2014 01:41 AM

Thumbs up.

stevinoz Oct 27, 2014 11:44 PM

as E-Tard mentioned this sounds a little scary especially with the recent upgrade that woocommerce made which mostly consisted of them taking out an existing component and turning it into a $49 add on, is this the way of the future for Atahualpa as well?
and does this mean at some point we will have to ignore future updates?

tlck9 Oct 31, 2014 04:59 AM

Wondered if there is any news on a responsive site timescale. Been asked to update our current website to responsive in November. But loathed to move away from Atahualpa if its coming soon.

alexmai Dec 12, 2014 02:42 PM

Any progress on the 4.0? It has been a few months.

rebeautys Dec 19, 2014 10:09 AM

I would like to join alexmai question... but notice is not to pressure you, but to encourage you :) ! I've been waiting for it for a long time and I am quite tired of Jetpack mobile theme ;) and seeing how much I appreciate this theme I'm really looking forward it :p !!

Flynn Dec 22, 2014 08:13 AM

wrong thread

starloft Mar 24, 2015 09:50 AM

Will 4.0 be out in time for the April 21st Google date for making websites mobile friendly so we don't lose ranking or should I be looking for a new theme that already has this functionality? Thank you.

elimelek Mar 24, 2015 11:55 PM

Looking forward to the new version!

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