Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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flaneur Oct 10, 2009 04:49 PM

I'm also using WordPress/Atahualpa for my photography blog at www.lafleurphoto.com . I was able to use Atahualpa's conditional statements (if x, then y) "above the loop" to create a unique layout (showing only one post on the front page, adding a bio above that post on the front page and making it look like a right-side column). I really appreciate how robust this theme is, along with the great forum support that has answered several questions along the way.

@Aaro: I'm using 4 instances of the Flickrpress plugin to display random refreshes from Flickr sets. However, I really like the way you set up the photo galleries on your site. Well done.

I would not be surprised if Atahualpa eventually became the default WordPress theme. Is there anything it can't do?

Michael LaFleur

Cheesewater Oct 12, 2009 01:04 PM

I'm still working out some kinks, but...

Bent at the Elbow

Thanks for the elegantly customizable theme.

mofferskis Oct 13, 2009 12:07 PM

I've been using 3.4.2 at http://nybiathlon.org/blog/ since August.

Now I'm looking to implement this theme in a new wpmu site.

paul_williams Oct 22, 2009 07:52 AM

I have now 5 sites running Atahualpa:




in development


Ber|Art Oct 22, 2009 08:48 AM



txguy5199 Oct 23, 2009 09:32 AM

How did you do the menu bar?

Ber|Art Oct 23, 2009 09:34 AM

On what site? and what do you mean specificly

WpExplorer Oct 23, 2009 11:37 AM

Atahualpa is amazing! There is literally no limits to what you can do. In just under an hour I was able to fully customize it and make a great looking site.


What do you guys think of my redesign? :)

sparksmex Oct 23, 2009 01:17 PM

My IE7 didn't like your site ay all

Nelson Oct 23, 2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by sparksmex (Post 17370)
My IE7 didn't like your site ay all

I am using firefox mostly, and it looks perfect. However, IE8 shows only the top graphics.

How I wish we didnt have to design twice to make up for IE ... sigh...

WpExplorer Oct 24, 2009 02:11 AM

Hey, thanks for the heads up guys...

I had cross browser checked it on ie6, ie7, ie8 firefox and safari and it looked good on all...I'm wondering if one of those social badges I just added broke the code somewhere.

Ill double check.

thanks again!

WpExplorer Oct 24, 2009 11:24 AM

The "Lightbox 2 Plugin" was causing a script error and not allowing my site WpExplorer to render in IE7.

Problem is fixed now if you want to check it out!

sparksmex Oct 24, 2009 01:01 PM

Yep ... works fine. IE7 crashed and closed before

MyJourneytoMillions Oct 24, 2009 10:40 PM

Love Atahualpa - I customized a good amount I think!


paulae Oct 25, 2009 05:57 AM

WP Explorer, love your site! It looks great in Safari and Firefox. I haven't checked it in any flavor of IE but it sounds like you fixed that problem. Very nice use of the background graphic and overlay of the content area. That inspires me to try something similar, although I can't give up so much vertical screen real estate to the graphic. Just something peeping out behind the edges for a few pixels, maybe. How does this look degrade if somebody has a small screen?

WpExplorer Oct 25, 2009 11:13 AM

Thanks Paulae. I am still working on the design to get it better...Its kinda still in its building stage...

Join my Atahualpa Showcase

I have created an Atahualpa showcase for sites that have made some awesome customizations of this theme. Check it out and if you think you can top the blogs I have or you think your Atahualpa customization is just as good.

Just leave a comment below with your blogs address and I will come find you. If your customization is really nice I will add you to my Atahualpa Showcase.

I don't have many, so help me get some more :)

Oh, and if you want me to give you a "dofollow" link along with the image of your site I will. And it would be much appreciated if you could link back to me or this post somewhere on your blog.


You are all welcome so come check it out!

Find it here

gwendolen Oct 31, 2009 10:53 AM

I love seeing what others have done with Atahualpa. This is my site http://icommunicatie.nl/ (Dutch)

wizzdom Oct 31, 2009 10:23 PM

Just got this versatile theme. Here's what I've done so far. www.dewizard.com

suburbandollar Nov 2, 2009 08:23 AM

I run a bastardized version of Atahualpa on my site SuburbanDollar.com I found the tabular layout a little hard to get things the way I wanted to so I changed it to a CSS layout which allowed me to float two columns to right and made spanning easier for domtabs and some other custom sidebar stuff. Would love to hear what you think, also why is the theme using tables as opposed to CSS for it's layout?

Flynn Nov 2, 2009 04:42 PM

A DIV-only layout works well for a static layout but is not robust for fluid layouts. You have a static width layout so working with DIV's only is fine.

I am saving DIV layout instead of CSS layout because it's not like a table isn't part of HTML/CSS. There are more "display:" values for tables in CSS2 than there are for Divisions.

(And Atahualpa doesn't simply "use a table", it combines 2 DIV's with one (CSS controlled) table and "colgroup". The table behaves like a DIV, unlike a regular table it keeps its width even with wide content inside, but it doesn't drop as a DIV does under certain circumstances in IE6.)


Originally Posted by suburbandollar (Post 18015)
I run a bastardized version of Atahualpa on my site SuburbanDollar.com I found the tabular layout a little hard to get things the way I wanted to so I changed it to a CSS layout which allowed me to float two columns to right and made spanning easier for domtabs and some other custom sidebar stuff. Would love to hear what you think, also why is the theme using tables as opposed to CSS for it's layout?

anselm Nov 5, 2009 01:41 AM

Atahualpa is an awesome theme....here is what i've done so far:


Would love to have your feedback.

Cédric H Nov 5, 2009 10:04 AM

Atahualpa is such a great theme even for a non css-php expert.

So far I've commited Passive&Eco which describe our project to build a passive house (without traditionnal heating) at a "low" budget.

I'm also working on another site for a friend of mine.

Google translate inside so don't hesitate to have a look.

2sticks Nov 6, 2009 11:12 AM

Just putting up my continual work in progress. Need to work on footer but widget definition conflict still beleaguering ata 3.4.4

Where? - is the Theme Frame at now?

Oh it's at 12flat

pranella Nov 8, 2009 02:32 AM

Mine is: http://www.m-o-d.biz/blog/
I love this theme!
Thanks to the great community (I've learned a lot!).

jasonchamb Nov 8, 2009 09:22 AM

I had been using Atahualpa for a few experiments, but Blogger screwed our site up badly on Friday, so I had to throw this new site together very quickly, and it's a big improvement over the previous incarnation. Three Guys One Book. I'm pretty happy, though there is still some tweaking to be done. I also welcome any feedback from the posters here to help me improve it.

maxhugen Nov 9, 2009 04:27 PM

Pretty new to both WordPress and Atahualpa, but working steadily on a 'community' website at Beechwood Billycart Classic. We're in NSW, Australia.

As a programmer myself, I can certainly appreciate the time and effort that Flynn has put into this theme - thanks!

Gravity Nov 10, 2009 04:43 AM

My site's not heavily customised, but I'm pleased with Atahualpa's flexibility. Let's me tweak little things (like the single page footer) in a way I really appreciate. It's about world of warcraft. Thanks for the great theme Flynn.

Friendly User Nov 10, 2009 06:24 AM

Atahualpa is excellent, a really great theme. :)

Very customizable and all the options are really well organized and labeled.

My site has a simple but highly-tweaked layout and uses the Atahualpa theme with a few minor code changes, some added code in/above/below the LOOP, and a lot of HTML/CSS Insert additions. I've found a lot of answers in this forum; very helpful.


Any feedback is appreciated :)

Shepherd Jim Nov 10, 2009 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by maxhugen (Post 18620)
Pretty new to both WordPress and Atahualpa, but working steadily on a 'community' website at Beechwood Billycart Classic. We're in NSW, Australia.

As a programmer myself, I can certainly appreciate the time and effort that Flynn has put into this theme - thanks!

Hey Max! Nice site! You've certainly set things up right -- Good luck with development!

PLEASE put up some photos! I'm dying to SEE a billycart -- prob go off and Google it and find out.
EDIT / UPDATE: Okay! We would call them "soapbox carts" -- we have a big, annual "Soapbox Derby" at which kids from all states compete. One diff seems to be that our competitions tend to be on very gradually sloped venues keeping speeds low ...while YOUR races sound quite a bit more extreme. lol

I found it interesting to "discover" another "mid coast" Where I live in Maine (furthest NE state in the USA - "Northern New England") is commonly called "The Midcoast" (a/k/a "Mid-Coast" and "Mid Coast"). Here in Bristol, the end of the peninsula below the town of Damariscotta, we're between Maine's biggest city Portland and Bar Harbor, a longtime "vacation destination" (Victorian railroad barons would take steamboats from New York and Boston).

I'm going to be letting friends and neighbors know about YOUR Mid Coast -- maybe I'll drive up NSW tourism!! :) lol

Jim http://www.hatchtown.com

shiroshears Nov 10, 2009 05:11 PM

I have used Atahualpa for two different sites, and I love it! Shiro Shears Is my bread and butter, my own company. And I recently used the theme to build a site for a friend, Green Valley Fire Products. The only problem I have is the footer credits. I can't seem to remove them. Flynn is the main dev right? So who do I donate to? Has anyone else done this?

Shepherd Jim Nov 10, 2009 07:19 PM

Hey Shiroshears!

I like your site -- too bad I'm bald :o ...lol But, I do have beard/mustache so maybe my wife will buy me a Xmas present.

I see you use the WP E-Commerce plugin successfully. How do you like it? I've just recently opted to go with Shopp.

By the sound of it you're about due ...to pay some dues, that is. Just go to the top of any Forum page and click on the "Click Here To DONATE!" message. If you haven't had any support help elsewhere probably appropriate to make your first donation to Flynn ...he is the man.

Personally, I like showing the Atahualpa credit in the footer -- wouldn't want anyone to think it was something I'd cooked up myself, people might ask me questions I couldn't answer.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that once you've made a donation Flynn will be happy to give you the "key" to "unlocking" and removing the stuff in the footer.

lhanft Nov 12, 2009 08:33 PM

It's not completely finished, but it has gone live: the site I've been building for my son's school.


Any and all feedback appreciated.

I do hear that people with older versions of IE have trouble with the display on a few pages, most notably the calendar. But I've given up trying to fix it; I'm telling people to upgrade their IE or switch to Firefox, Safari, etc.

I'd love to be able to build a back-end interface for all the widgets on the home page so that the nontechies who will be helping to maintain the site won't be so intimidated by it (it doesn't help that the names I gave the homepage widget areas aren't particularly clear).

We're still adding content and are getting ready to re-implement search, ical feed, and a password-protected area for current parents.


lhanft Nov 12, 2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Friendly User (Post 18671)

My site has a simple but highly-tweaked layout and uses the Atahualpa theme with a few minor code changes, some added code in/above/below the LOOP, and a lot of HTML/CSS Insert additions. I've found a lot of answers in this forum; very helpful.


Friendly User, nice site. I like your header and the visual simplicity of the design. Interesting content too, btw.

kristofferrom Nov 13, 2009 03:29 AM

I've done www.ohnoono.com. I'm tweaking it once in a while but I'm pretty satisfied with the basics. Let me know what you think

paulae Nov 13, 2009 02:29 PM

I decided to use Atahualpa and Wordpress for a client who wants a mixture of a mostly static site with blog capabilities. The front page is static, as is most of the content at the moment. Eventually, women from around the world will be able to login to the site, go to a members-only area, and post their news and appeals for help. I'm testing some "privacy curtain" plugins that will protect a category from anyone who is not registered and logged in.


Atahualpa 3.4.4 made it really easy to get this site up and running in just a week or so, using mostly content pulled from an existing but soon-to-be-destroyed subsite of the Episcopal Church. My client is on the board of this organization, and she's a friend, so I charged the group about half of my normal business rate. It's a work in progress, of course, but it was unveiled for the rest of the board members to see it today. There are various notes scattered around the site, asking people for additional ideas and information, so ignore those!

Shepherd Jim Nov 14, 2009 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by paulae (Post 18882)
...<snip>... I'm testing some "privacy curtain" plugins that will protect a category from anyone who is not registered and logged in.

Hey Paula:

Despite me being one of the "unchosen" (wrong gender) I think the Anglican Women site is really impressive. After all your work on the "newspaper" I would have thought you'd have been looking for something a lot simpler. But then, I guess, people with simple needs wind up doing it all themselves.

PLEASE offer the ATA Forum a report on what you learn about the "privacy curtain" plugins. Down my road is setting up a sheep breed registry site in WP that will involve "members" posting to the site. Right now it's just me and my wife messing with things and I have trouble getting my head around THAT sometimes.


chillmen Nov 15, 2009 05:37 AM

http://www.ontavu.com french blog. there is still some tweaking to be done.
thank you for any feedback.

Friendly User Nov 16, 2009 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by lhanft (Post 18831)
Friendly User, nice site. I like your header and the visual simplicity of the design. Interesting content too, btw.

Thanks for taking the time to check it out, lhanft.

Shepherd Jim Nov 16, 2009 08:32 AM

Hey Friendly User!


Originally Posted by Friendly User (Post 18671)
Atahualpa is excellent, a really great theme. :)

My site has a simple but highly-tweaked layout ...<snip>...


Wow! You do say HIGHLY-tweaked! Your site is high testament to both your ability as a "tweaker" and Atahualpa's versatility. Without knowing in advance I would never suspect that you were using Atahualpa.


Genie Nov 17, 2009 05:54 AM

I am new to WP and Atahualpa myself. I haven't figured out the widget stuff yet, but have done some work on the design.

I have not changed any code, because I don't know how, but I changed some images.

I have a Period Drama Site, and here is my blog.


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