Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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-   Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme (http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2)
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Webmason Apr 1, 2009 03:19 PM

Ash, are you referring to my site? Tip20? Because I don't have any type of gallery in my right sidebar. There is a banner there that sometimes shows thumbnails from the site it links to, perhaps you mean that?


pbarrow Apr 6, 2009 05:04 PM

I've been experimenting a lot with the functionality of the theme. Thank you Flynn for for this incredible tool, I will make a donation. I am also interested in the paid theme, if possible bottom of page navigation and widgets would be great! Check out my work in progress... http://theprivatemarket.com/

P.S. How does docgurly get those top two tables on her site?

shedhed Apr 7, 2009 12:36 AM

After a bit of tinkering I finally moved over my site to Atahualpa. Flynn has kindly helped out with a couple of things that I'd seen elsewhere and I've managed to incorporate them.

My site is at http://www.rhodieridgeback.com

I'd welcome any comments (apologies in advance for the boring content); particularly as I haven't seen it at various resolutions. It seems to look okay in Firefox and Opera. I've tried it in IETester and it falters a bit in IE6 on the horizontal category menu when hovering but I'll work on that.


owenl Apr 8, 2009 10:52 AM


The top two tables is actually a pretty heavy modification to the main index page loop. First off - they aren't tables - they are completely CSS. Basically I run a special version of the wordpress loop that takes the top two articles designated as features and runs them inside two specialized css divs that took me a huge amount of time to figure out. Then below that I rerun the loop normally except I watch out for the firtst two features and exclude them. To be honest, I am not really up for the full rundown on how to do this right now - I just don't have time. It isn't perfect - note that I lose the rounded corners on the bottom because in order to make the two divs line up I run a massive trick. Look for CSS articles about feature boxes and you should find enough to get started. And if enough people want me to I'll see if I can get time to write it up

hotsauce Apr 8, 2009 11:41 AM

Flynn's Theme is extremely powerful! This site would have taken us much longer to customize without it.

However we do need some suggestions of how and where to insert our own table and links into the header image.


okephoto Apr 12, 2009 04:10 PM

Wow, this theme sure is great. I've only been playing with it for a few days but see lots of potential. Here's my new blog update http://cowichanvalleyphotos.com/

Thanks Flynn


KleMC Apr 17, 2009 04:10 PM

WOW, I am totally amazed by this theme!!! (Flynn, you just received a donation!) I thought it was time for a change and updated to the latest WP version and treated myself with Atahualpa.

The config variations are nearly perfect and I am very happy with how the site looks like. (http://blog.hoegenauer.net/)

The only minor feature request I would have at the moment is a more customisable BFA subscribe widget. eg I would prefer not to show the comments feed as well as the email box. I am sure that this is all possible going into the .php which is not my thing (well, having said that I at least changed the icons to the smaller ones like in the header).

Again, many thanks for the great works,

muychingon Apr 23, 2009 12:24 PM

Hello everyone!

Thanks to the BFA staff for putting this theme together. I'm switching over a lot of my sites to it. Also we are using it for a very cool company website. I'll post that for you guys to see later today when we go live.

I'm using it on this site, and I'm now working on the "second" revision of changes and modifications to the theme. I love this theme.

Using it in for this, and a bunch more that aren't ready for public viewing.


Thanks for the Theme, and thanks for all the support available in the forums! Donations will be coming your way soon.

idg Apr 23, 2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by muychingon (Post 5493)

Getting a 404 Error on your front page content window. Maybe the posts aren't loading, or not displaying if you're not registered perhaps?

frankhamm Apr 28, 2009 08:20 AM

Now my homepage is nearly finished for the moment, so I thought it could be interesting for other theme users.

So here it is http://www.frank-hamm-webdesign.de

I hope you like it



ssoszka Apr 28, 2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by TopDog (Post 474)
I've used the K2 theme for years, but found this great theme on Saturday. Spent most of the Sunday playing with it and customizing it to my likings.


Great stuff, I of course made a PayPal donation :)

Hey I like the look of your blog, how did you move the page tabs below the header?


Steve Apr 28, 2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by frankhamm (Post 5725)
Now my homepage is nearly finished for the moment, so I thought it could be interesting for other theme users.

So here it is http://www.frank-hamm-webdesign.de

I hope you like it




The site looks great!


jacobb Apr 29, 2009 02:19 PM

We just finished the first version of our new company website. It included a company rebranding, and I found the atahualpa wordpress theme to be great. We tried a paid theme first, and it wasn't nearly as flexible as Atahualpa. I did write some custom php (small changes to the theme and plugins), but for the most part the style was modified with CSS tweaks. I would recommend this theme to anyone, especially if they are willing to get their hands dirty with custom CSS.

Here's the site:
Mirth Corporation - http://www.mirthcorp.com

I'd like to hear what you guys think!

okephoto Apr 29, 2009 02:55 PM

This theme is absolutely fantastic. I just converted my large photography blog over with no issues at all. Very happy!

The site is www.kevinokephotography.com/wordpress

Comments welcome, would love to hear what you think!

fromtheranks Apr 30, 2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by ssoszka (Post 5734)
Hey I like the look of your blog, how did you move the page tabs below the header?


Excellent question: how DID you move the tabs below the header. I would like to do this as well.

Thanks in advance.

owenl Apr 30, 2009 01:24 PM

Really excellent job - one of the best I've seen - professional, clean, businesslike - am going to steal ideas....

myat May 2, 2009 10:12 AM


I switched to this theme after using another great theme for a few months. The previous theme is great but this theme is greater. I was so amazed that such a great theme can be free. And it can be customized to a great extent without knowing much php and css. Thank you for this great theme.

Please see my work using this theme at Today in Myanmar. This is an travel information website about Myanmar (Burma).

kal May 4, 2009 09:02 AM


I've tried several themes -- both free and paid. This is by far THE best theme I have ever used! I am using it now on two of my sites:


I will be moving over at least two more of my sites to Atahualpa soon!

I sent a donation! Keep up the good work!

Mary McAndrew May 7, 2009 01:47 PM

I absolutely love this theme! I haven't seen any other artists here using it, anyone? Here's my site so far, I'm still a newbie.... www.marymcandrew.com It's my fine art, I just love the rotating header, I can put a 'slice' of my paintings across the top.
Next will be importing my blog from Blogger and I need to learn how to control my text and image layout on static pages in the Gallery. I'm open to all advice!!
Mary McAndrew

fromtheranks May 7, 2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by TopDog (Post 474)
I've used the K2 theme for years, but found this great theme on Saturday. Spent most of the Sunday playing with it and customizing it to my likings.


Great stuff, I of course made a PayPal donation :)


The insatiably curious would like to know ... how did you move the tabs below your image? I really like this tweak. Great website. Thanks in advance.

juggledad May 8, 2009 04:54 AM

if you mean the page tabs, Atahualpa thme Options -> Header -> Configure Header Area, just change the order of the %xxxx and put %pages after %image

fromtheranks May 8, 2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by juggledad (Post 6317)
if you mean the page tabs, Atahualpa thme Options -> Header -> Configure Header Area, just change the order of the %xxxx and put %pages after %image

Perfect! Thanks! As I newbie I'm having enough "stress" figuring out how to develop my Atahualpa based site locally using IIS 5.1 (my host runs IIS servers only, not Apache) so these tips help ... a LOT! :)

tamogila May 8, 2009 10:28 PM

Just getting started, but I thought I'd toss it in now just in case I forget.


(I'll redirect it to the root eventually, so if the link above doesn't work it would be at http://www.tamogila.com)

Cajebo May 9, 2009 03:24 PM

A big hat's off to Flynn with his remarkable Atahualpa theme.
It's almost a disservice to call it simply a "theme"

One word for his achievement: Bravo

In honor of his efforts, I present you my first Atahualpa-child theme:
It's not THAT funny


Still a bit of back-end work-in-progress, but cosmetically, just about there. If you have a "funny", please share!

Thanks again Flynn.

Astra Shirahata May 10, 2009 09:13 AM

Is there a list of websites using atahualpha themes?
I am new in using wordpress and hoping to get valuable ideas from those sites.
I recently switched off to this theme and found it amazing!
Many nice-looking free themes out there but just a few of them accompanied by good and friendly support.
I plan to donate some soon.

Thanks Flynn!

Astra Shirahata
--newbie but want to use Wordpress not only as a blog--


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