Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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Virgulina Mar 4, 2009 10:46 AM

I'm still working with it, but Atahualpa is by far one of the best Wordpress Themes I've found. Here's how my blog looks at the moment: Cosy Little World.
I wanted to make rotating quotes for the header, at the moment I'm using the Tag Line, but I guess I'll just make multiple headers with diferrent quotes.

mactony Mar 5, 2009 07:13 AM

Thanks for the kind words, Vikram. The catalogue perk is a feature of WP Shopping Cart plugin. It's a little clunky but really does a nice job. Can't beat the price!

mrsandbox Mar 6, 2009 09:14 PM

I just created a personal blog using this theme. It is great to say the least.
I tried to keep it as simple as possible. Didn't really change it too much from its default settings:


HenryGomez Mar 8, 2009 05:51 PM

Hi all,

I'm the managing editor of Babalu Blog and during early february we made the switch from an outdated version of Movable Type to WordPress. I was looking for a good 3-column theme that I could customize to maintain the original look and feel of our 2-column MT blog. I downloaded Atahualpa and love it. Flynn has been great in answering questions. If you're using Atahualpa show your appreciation by making a donation.

P.S. I call our version of Atahualpa "Hatuey". Hatuey was a Cuban indian chief.

elpidiofilho Mar 11, 2009 08:42 AM

hi .. I used the Atahualpa in my blog about GIS. I used some CSS to make the edges more rounded (not work in IE). the link is: http://geoprocessamento.geocomciencia.com.br


Elpidio Filho

LabbyRoad Mar 12, 2009 08:46 AM

It's still very much a work in progress as I continue to explore and discover the wonderfulness of Atahualpa ...

Labby Road

strangelove Mar 12, 2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Flynn (Post 2484)
Here's one using background images on widget titles, post titles, post footers and read more tags http://www.profiphotos.com/blog/

That is extraordinary -- a nice use of colours, shading and rounded corners. Inspired me to move the Page Menu Bar to BELOW the Header Image.

ria1414 Mar 13, 2009 07:29 PM

Gee, I just love this theme. Check this out......


Still working on it though.

feastfresh Mar 14, 2009 06:56 AM

A week ago I hadn't used anything more teccy that 'Word' or 'Excel'.

With this wonderful theme and the support of this fantastic forum, I now have a website that I feel is ready for the world to see.

It's not entirely 'there' yet but it's certainly on the way ....

Thank you SO much



MatthiasHeil Mar 14, 2009 02:14 PM

Sorry for getting back to you so late... - it's no magic, just a funny background image which puts a left and right part to the pages bar...-)

hovering Mar 14, 2009 09:58 PM

Beautiful work profiphotos!

I've been working with WP since January and Atahualpa rocks.

Here's were I am at: http://domesticblissinc.com/blog/

LOVE the customization. Looking for some other theme colors to cobrand my other sites.

bpbaker Mar 15, 2009 03:36 PM

Hovering - I guess you have a large hi-res monitor for working with images. The reason I know this is because, on your site, the Byline in the header image doesn't show all of the words on my screen which runs at 1280 x 800.

To keep this visible, in the position it is now, on all screens you need to anchor the image to the top left so that with lower res screens the right hand edge of the image will be lost instead of the left.

On my site because I needed both edges locked I returned to a fixed width layout. Just one of those things you don't realise until you see your site on another screen!

hovering Mar 15, 2009 05:24 PM

Thank you for the feedback, I hadn't noticed that yet but can see what you mean by shrinking my browser window.

Yes, we have 23" cinema displays for our photo work, that is one of the main reasons I like the variable width of Atahualpa. I do check my design on a less powerful PC but missed that detail. Maybe I will move the credit line in my rotating images.. It won't look as good centered, but it doesn't look at all good running off the screen.

Thanks again for the QC.

ryguy Mar 16, 2009 04:52 PM


I have been working with this one for a few weeks and like it

What do you think?

robertbrand Mar 18, 2009 08:38 PM

We are about to launch a global website for a big event. We are working on content, but I would appreciate the comments.

"Echoes of Apollo" The World's Biggest Space Party and You're Invited! www.echoesofapollo.com

It is a big site!

joe hark Mar 19, 2009 04:44 AM

Well, I'm getting there.


This is "WordPress as a CMS" and this theme makes it soooo easy. No blogging, no subscribers, comments, etc. "Just the facts, m'am." (You are ready for Social Security, if you know that reference).

It is frustrating that there is no way to center the logo. It's not in the Theme control panel and I can't figure out where o insert code in the files to force it. This should definitely be considered for the next upgrade.

As soon as the site owner provides photos, a Photo Gallery page will be created using the fantastic FunnyZoom plugin.

Likewise, I've installed only one header image. The one that is there today is made up of borrowed photos and it too is waiting for the site owner's photographer to provide material.

I welcome suggestions and feedback.

joe hark Mar 19, 2009 06:06 AM

BTW- that Apollo site is awesome. At first I thought it cluttered. The I began digging into the material. Very impressive.

evalee Mar 20, 2009 10:46 AM

how did you create that custom nav bar?

Darren Sproat Mar 20, 2009 12:49 PM

Take a look at http://www.darrensproat.com

I am thoroughly delighted with this theme.

owenl Mar 20, 2009 02:07 PM

OK - more updates - now doing a 'magazine-style' atahualpa - this one does take some actual hacking at the code though, so not so straightforward


also figured out the easy way to update some of the basic css styling - like if you want your h4 tags to be different just override them using the HTML/CSS settings options page in the atahualpa options and dump all your basic css changes in the css box at the bottom

joe hark Mar 20, 2009 07:00 PM

evalee, to whom is that question directed? Which site has a custom nav bar?

MacMacGA Mar 21, 2009 08:19 PM

I am working on a committee to revamp the state AAUW website. When I discovered Wordpress and then the Atahualpa theme, I knew it was the answer to many problems. I have this set as a sample because it has not been approved by the board, but I think they will.

I have a long way to go adding stuff, but it is so much fun to work with. I have learned so much from this forum. Thanks everyone.


joe hark Mar 22, 2009 03:31 AM

Before commenting there is a typo in the above link. The expressed text reads correctly but the underlying hypertext link has the typo. It should be http://aauwgeorgia.org/Sample/

This is a lovely example of a makeover that replaces the old-fashioned HTML technology with an empowering new structure. And well done, too.

Some minor quibbles (where is the fun in life without them?).

1) there are only two places on the entire site that informs a visitor of what the acronym AAUW means. In the opening sentence of the Join page and in the middle of paragraph 8 of About > HerStory. This is essential information that belongs on the very first page in an un-missable position.

2) I doubt that I will ever understand the blog-inspired concept of putting a navigation menu on the right-hand side of a page. I read from left-to-right, as does most of the western world.

Having grown up reading magazines and newspapers - and web sites - with the nav menu on the left, it is still discombobulating to have to roll my eyes to an unaccustomed location that varies from site to site.

Yes, at least 90% - maybe even 99% - of all blog themes put the navigation over on the right. But that does not change the way most people read a document.

3) Your site would be more readable if your paragraphs were shorter. While my previous quibble was a cry for tradition, this is one that says tradition does not apply to web site reading. If you look at books and newspapers published 150 years ago, blocks of text are unbroken, sometimes for pages. The paragraph is a fairly modern concept and it is still evolving.

As paper and print became less expensive, paragraphs became shorter but often remained dozens of lines. Over time, the definition of a paragraph evolved. As taught to me in grade school, a paragraph is a coherent thought. The opening and closing sentences are structural determinants of where one starts and ends.

But those considerations do not apply to the monitor screen. The issue of readability of text on a screen, compared with that of print, suggests a new paradigm. My own opinion is that paragraphs made up lines of more than 70 characters long should be limited to 3 to 6 lines in order to facilitate reading. There are numerous studies online to support variations on that opinion.

Google the word "readability." After you absorb those results, try "legibility" too, just to make sure you understand they are related but different issues.

4) In the left hand column, the "more" tag is replaced with [...] and the extended article is only reachable by clicking the title of the item. That is not an intuitive move. I am converting an 4 year old-WordPress version, old-theme, site of my own to the current WP and this excellent theme. Some, but not all of my posts have the same problem. Maybe this is a bug in this theme?

5) add photo album pages of event and activities. The plugin "FancyZoom" makes that easy to do.

Bottom line, you've done an excellent makeover, my comments aside.

avmichaels Mar 22, 2009 03:45 AM

Wanted to make the effort to stop by and say thanks for this theme, I also sent you an anonymous donation, good work.

I had fun with this one and though am still working on some small details, I am happy to share what I have done so far

Surfing the Tao

The only change I am still wondering about is whether I can find a font for my title that is more asian/eclectic but it's not imperative, I realize not everyone's browsers recognize them.

Vielen Dank and Mahalo

mike3k Mar 22, 2009 07:36 PM

Best WordPress theme ever! The customizability is really awesome. I'm now using it at www.macmegasite.com.

zerinSSL Mar 23, 2009 11:58 AM

Completely grateful for someone providing this theme for free. I'll donate here shortly because I think this theme is worth far more than some of the "premium" themes out there on the market. Just overhauled my site from 2.3.x to 2.7.1 and as someone who knows very very little about CSS and HTML (And I mean VERY little), I was able to really get the site looking great.


Many thanks again.

JBWhite Mar 25, 2009 01:59 AM

I'm new to Wordpress, but have worked with enough site software to recognize a spectacular product. This is an excellent template. It's very easy to use, and my site is dang near designing itself! About a year ago I opted for the paid version of a popular php directory software, even paying extra to join the support forum. Being new to php I had a handful of simple issues with my site I couldn't resolve even after reading most of their forum. To date, I never did get any answers to those questions. lol I had to figure it out for myself by trial and error. I'm very impressed with the level of assistance I see here, especially considering that you don't charge for the product.

thirstyreader Mar 25, 2009 02:36 AM

I was "keeping it real" with Kubrick until about a month ago, maybe less. I figured my growing readership would want more functionality.


automaton99 Mar 25, 2009 05:46 AM

I've just launched a site and I would be very grateful for any comments or questions that you may have.

http://www.nanobreak.co.uk probably wouldn't have been possible without this amazing theme!

I've did some minor customization on the theme with the particular aim of having a minimalist design.

This is an affiliate marketing site for people in the UK who are interested in short holidays, using the new buzzword 'nanobreak'. I'll answer any questions you have in the forum or by PM.


joe hark Mar 25, 2009 05:53 AM

I love the ability of the English language to accept colorful and useful new terms like "nanobreak." Well, at least it's new to me.

Nice use of the theme. Just one minor suggestion. The caption "Quick search" might be better as "Quick Search" (initial cap on both words), given that's what is on the right with "Recent Articles."

automaton99 Mar 25, 2009 05:57 AM

Thanks for your suggestion, I'm going to change it now. I find myself staring at the screen blankly trying to find things that could be fixed, then someone else comes along and spots something immediately! :)


Originally Posted by joe hark (Post 3563)
I love the ability of the English language to accept colorful and useful new terms like "nanobreak." Well, at least it's new to me.

Nice use of the theme. Just one minor suggestion. The caption "Quick search" might be better as "Quick Search" (initial cap on both words), given that's what is on the right with "Recent Articles."

patgeary Mar 25, 2009 05:32 PM

I was looking for something a little different than my other blogs for this new one. Found Atahualpa and decided to give it a try. The result http://www.expression-web-tips.com/

Had a problem with it validating but checked the forum and found a fix. Still needs some tweaking but I like it. I do want to combine the styles in the header.php with the static style sheet. Need to be careful though as I wiped it out last night.

Thanks for a great theme that resizes to a smaller screen and validates. Off to make a donation now.


jacoblo Mar 26, 2009 08:28 AM

Here is my page built on your wonderful theme:


Thanks for the great theme, this forum and your support!


Webmason Mar 29, 2009 11:37 AM

Very nice work everyone! This is such an impressive and user friendly theme!
My site has been around awhile, but I am in the process of converting it completely over to WordPress and this theme. Please take a peek and share your thoughts. :)



Ashjoielee Apr 1, 2009 10:48 AM

Very nice site! May I ask what you are using as your thumbnail gallery in the right sidebar?


Webmason Apr 1, 2009 03:19 PM

Ash, are you referring to my site? Tip20? Because I don't have any type of gallery in my right sidebar. There is a banner there that sometimes shows thumbnails from the site it links to, perhaps you mean that?


pbarrow Apr 6, 2009 05:04 PM

I've been experimenting a lot with the functionality of the theme. Thank you Flynn for for this incredible tool, I will make a donation. I am also interested in the paid theme, if possible bottom of page navigation and widgets would be great! Check out my work in progress... http://theprivatemarket.com/

P.S. How does docgurly get those top two tables on her site?

shedhed Apr 7, 2009 12:36 AM

After a bit of tinkering I finally moved over my site to Atahualpa. Flynn has kindly helped out with a couple of things that I'd seen elsewhere and I've managed to incorporate them.

My site is at http://www.rhodieridgeback.com

I'd welcome any comments (apologies in advance for the boring content); particularly as I haven't seen it at various resolutions. It seems to look okay in Firefox and Opera. I've tried it in IETester and it falters a bit in IE6 on the horizontal category menu when hovering but I'll work on that.


owenl Apr 8, 2009 10:52 AM


The top two tables is actually a pretty heavy modification to the main index page loop. First off - they aren't tables - they are completely CSS. Basically I run a special version of the wordpress loop that takes the top two articles designated as features and runs them inside two specialized css divs that took me a huge amount of time to figure out. Then below that I rerun the loop normally except I watch out for the firtst two features and exclude them. To be honest, I am not really up for the full rundown on how to do this right now - I just don't have time. It isn't perfect - note that I lose the rounded corners on the bottom because in order to make the two divs line up I run a massive trick. Look for CSS articles about feature boxes and you should find enough to get started. And if enough people want me to I'll see if I can get time to write it up

hotsauce Apr 8, 2009 11:41 AM

Flynn's Theme is extremely powerful! This site would have taken us much longer to customize without it.

However we do need some suggestions of how and where to insert our own table and links into the header image.


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