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-   -   if you are getting blank page with Atahualpa 3.6.x (Suhosin issue) (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=12262)

adrian Feb 23, 2011 11:49 AM

You know what happens, in ATA 3.6.4, all the header is left out.

juggledad Feb 23, 2011 12:19 PM

adrian - All indications are that you have the suhosin issue. looking at the generated source you sent me, everywhere a <?php include('bfa://xxxxxxx') ?> (where xxxxx= some variable) the processing is bypassed.

This leads me to believe your site must prevent the code from running, but does not give you a warning or an error, just skips over it. That or any warning messages are not going to the screen, then are going to an error log somewhere.

You need to contact your host and ask them how to whitelist something to suhosin

bushtool Feb 23, 2011 12:28 PM


I had this problem and went back to 3.53 rather than try to fix. Just upgraded to Wordpress 3.1, activated 3.6.4 again and the problem is no longer. 3.6.4 is now finding the database. I use Bluehost. Yippee!

adrian Feb 23, 2011 05:34 PM

Okay juggledad, I went to open a ticket with my web hosting account. This was the response I received.

We apologize for any confusion earlier. Suhosin is not installed on our shared servers, no whitelisting should be needed.

This is Hostgator.

bushtool, thanks for your comment, I was afraid to upgrade my WordPress, because it could break ATA 3.5.3

In my case, when I upgrade WordPress, nothing changed, ATA 3.6.4 keeps the white screen.

Then I continue with my last comment on this, the header does not print.

juggledad Feb 24, 2011 03:26 AM

Adrian - see the PM to you

ChrisR Feb 24, 2011 08:35 AM

Hello everybody,

I'm completly confused because my english isn't so perfect. I'm using Ver. 3.5.3 with WP 3.1 which works fine so far. All 3.6 versions are displaying a white screen. My hoster is using PHP 5.2.13. These are the facts so far.

I tried the suggestions with the Suhosin-issues. Every try ran in an 500 Internal Server error. I asked my hoster (Speicherzentrum.de) if Suhosin is installed and his answer is:

"das Problem liegt daran, daß das Script 256M Speicher belegen will, was ich aber nicht freigeben kann." The Problem is the script wants to use 256M of memory what I can't allow.

My conclusion: With this hoster I never will be able to use Atahualpa 3.6.x and above?


adrian Feb 24, 2011 10:02 AM

Okay, I have to explain how I solved my problem with ATA-3.6.x, and the white screen.

I add part of an email that I send to juggledad;


I need to apologize to you, in fact and in my case, the problem was php.ini, but not suhosin, in my php.ini I had a configuration error with something called;

open_basedir =

That is a kind of firewall applied to a specific directory. When I corrected my mistake, everything came to be cute with ATA 3.6.4
Anyone reading this should note that I have no experience in this, as I mentioned above.

According to me;

suhosin causes the white screen, but not always, some of us do not have that application installed.

First, check with your web host if you have it, then use the proposal for suhosin. Otherwise, look in your php.ini because something is blocking the work of ATAHUALPA.

If you activate ATA-3.6.x and got the white screen, ask for help from your web host, they may find the problem and solving it.

adrian Feb 25, 2011 09:10 AM

Okay, I come with more information on the white screen and ATA-6.4.x

If you've read this thread, you already know some of us do not use suhosin.

I want to add more information of how I solved the white screen.

I have my website in a sub-folder. At the root of that folder I create a php.ini, I think instead of creating a php.ini in the sub-folder, you could modify your original php.ini. However, I just want to give access to ATAHUALPA.

Here the contents of php.ini


; This is the default settings file for new PHP installations.
; By default, PHP installs itself with a configuration suitable for
; development purposes, and *NOT* for production purposes.
; For several security-oriented considerations that should be taken
; before going online with your site, please consult php.ini-recommended
; and http://php.net/manual/en/security.php.

;;;;;;;;;;;; This only for sub-folder xxxxx

; Safe Mode
safe_mode = On

; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory
; and below. This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. This directive is
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.
open_basedir = /xxx/xxxx/public_html/sub_folder
~ Note; absolute path to basedir, not the relative.

Here you do two things, one is safe_mode = On, and two, open_basedir. Remember this will only affect the folder where you allow the safe mode.

I want to add;

1. If I remove the php.ini from my sub-folder, the white screen comes back.

2. When I add the php.ini the response time of my website is accelerating. Possibly because ATAHUALPA can work without restriction.

3. safe_mode has a Warning on the php.net page
This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.

And that is why I am concerned, rather, concerned about two things.

I already using php 5.3, and is not a good idea to have to add permission to ATAHUALPA, I know you guys already know that something has to change.

So, I'm over here waiting.

lundbech Feb 27, 2011 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisR (Post 58856)
I tried the suggestions with the Suhosin-issues. Every try ran in an 500 Internal Server error. I asked my hoster (Speicherzentrum.de) if Suhosin is installed and his answer is:

"das Problem liegt daran, daß das Script 256M Speicher belegen will, was ich aber nicht freigeben kann." The Problem is the script wants to use 256M of memory what I can't allow.

My conclusion: With this hoster I never will be able to use Atahualpa 3.6.x and above?

I can confirm this. I am having the same problems and same errors and my host gives only 128M memory.

Is this something that should be and will be addressed in future versions of atahualpa or is it time to look for something else either host or atahualpa replacement?

Hopflys Feb 28, 2011 12:17 PM

WP 3.1
Blank screen appears only when I imported and tried to use the ata-round.txt file. Deleting and installing the theme again removed the problem. As I want to use the ata-round.txt presets I searched the forum and found the suhosin effect posts. Being not technical I am not able to locate the php.ini file on my server. Where would I find this?

lmilesw Feb 28, 2011 12:51 PM

You may not have one in which case you can just create on on your own or download the one attached to the first post.

FrBFank Mar 3, 2011 07:40 AM

Hello everybody.

I've used WP+Atahualpa for some time on my private web site and always was very happy with this combination.
Updating from 3.5.x to 3.6.x I experienced the blank-page-suhosin-issue, too. I tried to fix this by adding bfa:// to
"suhosin.executor.include.whitelist" in .htaccess. But as I just learned (after contacting my
shared webhoster's support (hosteurope.de)) they are not willing to allow changes to any suhosin variable :(

For now I'm back on 3.5.3 and all looks fine. But in the medium term, I fear that this suhosin "problem" would
force me to switch over to another WP theme (at the latest when any future WP will become incompatible
with ata 3.5.3).

Is there any chance, that atahualpa >= 3.6.5 again will be able to work without a change to

Best regards

lmilesw Mar 3, 2011 08:10 AM

Some possibilities are being looked at. There are currently no time frames on this though.

FrBFank Mar 4, 2011 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 59614)
Some possibilities are being looked at. There are currently no time frames on this though.

Hi Larry, thanks for the information ... no time frame, but one can see a small, faint light at the end of the tunnel :)


twola Mar 5, 2011 11:54 PM

I have suhosin and using the various syntaxes on this forum did not seem to do the trick. Will uninstall this theme and wait for a more stable version.


iPuppet Mar 9, 2011 09:18 PM

Just for the record, I have tried both the ini.php and .htaccess fixes on Dreamhost and had no success with 3.6.1 nor 3.6.4. I will await a true fix with bated breath.

juggledad Mar 10, 2011 02:32 AM

This is something outside the control of the theme, You need to contact your host and ask them how to whitelist something in suhosin

agesci Mar 13, 2011 03:41 AM

my hosts provider doesn't supported suhosin. I must discard ata or this will resolved in new release ?
My question (it pursued me ), why ata 364 worked fine width php 5.2 but doesn't width php 5.3 ?

juggledad Mar 13, 2011 04:36 AM

what kind of problem do you have?

agesci Mar 13, 2011 12:11 PM

I opened a new thread (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=13223).
The solution provided a new entry in .htaccess like : php_value suhosin.executor.include.whitelist bfa://

This line crashed my site ... suhosin is not supported by my provider hosts.

Now, I don't understand why width php 5.2 is all right instead in php 5.3 I get the warnings reported in http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=13223 .
Is the php version the problem ?

juggledad Mar 13, 2011 01:37 PM

Lets work on it in the other thread

shantanugoel Mar 15, 2011 05:56 AM

The method listed in the OP worked for me as well. Actually, it didn't work in the beginning. I had to add one more ingredient to the mix, ie., "suPHP_ConfigPath /path/to/php.ini" in my .htaccess file to specify where the php.ini file is since my host hadn't configured a specific path for it (or maybe configured one that i dont know about).
You might want to add it in the OP.

jbrown13 Mar 18, 2011 06:09 AM

I tried to upgrade from 3.5.3 to 3.6.4 (under WP 3.01) last night, and suffered the same blank page issue. I have reverted to 3.5.3 while I work my way through the solutions suggested in this thread.

One question: If I find a combination of settings that fixes the suhosin issue, will I be able to see the 3.6.4 preview in the Manage Themes page before I activate 3.6.4?



juggledad Mar 18, 2011 06:38 AM

Yes, once you have the Suhosin issue resolved, you should be able to see the preview.

Suggestion, install 3.6.4 in a separate folder called 'atahualpa364' then you can have both 353 and 364 in the theme picker and activate one or the other by picking it in the theme switcher.

extremecarver Mar 26, 2011 07:02 AM

I needed to edit etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
and the line: suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = bfa://

AND then restarting apache (was not mentioned here in the topic, for beginners this might not be obvious that they have to restart apache!!!!) with rcapache2 restart on opensuse.

The location of php.ini and command to restart apache is of course depending on the installed linux.

everything else would not work. So I think this patch will only work for people administering their own root server.

I was forced to upgrade to 3.6.x because 3.5.3 menubar broke down in Firefox 4, and IE 9. For all sublists with more than one item they just showed white space instead of the title. Else I would not have updated. Took me well over an hour overall with applying all the patches (damn, you should offer a for download with all patches applied as long as 3.6.5 is not yet available - it's been several month now of bugfixes and no new version).

SharonJ Mar 26, 2011 11:46 AM

OK, I got help from the host server company and I had put the path incorrectly in the .htaccess file.

They changed it to

suPHP_ConfigPath /home/mypassword/public_html/nameofthefolder

and it is showing up fine.:)

Harald Mar 30, 2011 11:34 PM

Worked great for me. Only had to put the ini file in.

dinoraptor101 Apr 2, 2011 03:42 PM

Worked like a charm ( Uploaded the php.ini into the wordpress directory )


SharonJ Apr 2, 2011 03:51 PM

Will we have to change anything when we upgrade the theme later?

lmilesw Apr 2, 2011 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by SharonJ (Post 62297)
Will we have to change anything when we upgrade the theme later?

Unknown as some of this appears to depend on how Suhosin is configured and the verson of PHP.

Lautrec Apr 3, 2011 03:17 AM

Hi everybody,

I have also problems when upgrading (from 3.4.9) to 3.6.4. I made a sub-domain to test and show you the result.

WP 3.1
Ata 3.6.4
PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.7
This server is protected with the Suhosin Patch

This is the result: http://test.acdenderland.be/PHP%205.3.gif


Lautrec Apr 4, 2011 05:22 AM

Hi everybody,

This a reply on my own message above.

Today I changed PHP version from 5.3 to 5.2. In fact, it is still 5.3 but it act as a PHP 5.2. The upgrade is working now. See http://test.acdenderland.be/php%205.2.jpg. My hosting is Priorweb.be. I can change PHP-version in the control panel.

Maybe this info was helpful.


Joan-BlogBizBuzz Apr 7, 2011 05:40 AM

Thanks to extremely good notes, downloaded new version - did all the necessary bug fixes as instructed in forum, followed instructions on the php.ini and .htaccess - FTP new file 364 to host, one call to Hostgator and was online in no time at all. BTW was on version 3.2.

metapete Apr 8, 2011 04:46 AM

I have been following this thread because I also now have the blank page issue.

However please note the following:

I upgraded Atahaulpa from 3.4.x to 3.6.4 about a month ago - NO PROBLEMS.
(I was on WP 3.1)

Two days ago I upgraded WP to 3.1.1 - Now I have the blank screen problem.
(so I installed Atahaulpa 3.5.3 to get over it).

So, at least in my case - it seems to be an incompatability between Atah 3.6.4 and WP 3.1.1 - nothing to do with my web host.

Does this help the thread?

lmilesw Apr 8, 2011 06:28 AM

That is very curious None of my sites that are on Atahualpa 3.6.4 and WP 3.1.1 are having any problems.

metapete Apr 8, 2011 07:13 AM

Sorry, the information I gave you was slightly wrong.

3.6.4 was working fine with WP 3.0.

2 days ago I logged on to my web host and received a message to upgrade WP to 3.1 (I did this by responding to the webhost message - not within WP).

After this I logged on to the WP dashboard and realized that 3.1 had already been superseded by 3.1.1.
I upgraded again, this time automatically through WP.

I appreciate that the above actions were stupid, because I did not test my site after the first upgrade (WP 3.0 to 3.1) so I'm not sure if 3.1 or 3.1.1 has caused my blank screen problem.

Also another thought. Is it possible that if my webhost has changed something, it would only show up on later versions of WP ie 3.1 onwards?

lmilesw Apr 8, 2011 07:48 AM

There are many variables. Your host may have made some changes. WP 3.1 had some important security updates. Etc. At this point you can either try the Suhosin "fixes" or upload Atahualpa 3.5.3 into it's own folder and switch to that to see if that takes care of the blank page. For full documentation on that process check this thread which also applies to uploading an older version of Atahualpa. In other words don't delete or overwrite your current install of the theme.

jbrown13 Apr 8, 2011 09:08 AM

At my hosting provider, the php.ini file is not accessible to customers such as myself. The provider added the directive


suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = bfa://
to php.ini at my request. This fixed the blank page issue.

The provider also told me that the Apache logs show this error:


ALERT - Include filename ('bfa://logoarea_style') is an URL that is not allowed
and said that the error is triggered by line 235 in the file /home/myuserid/public_html/wp-content/themes/atahualpa364/css.php. That's in this section of the file (line numbers added for clarity).


221  /*-------------------- LOGO AREA --------------------------*/
223  table#logoarea,
224  table#logoarea tr,
225  table#logoarea td {
226          margin: 0;
227          padding: 0;
228          background: none;
229          border: 0;
230          }
232  table#logoarea {
233          width: 100%;
234          border-spacing: 0px;
235          <?php include('bfa://logoarea_style') ?>
236          }

He suggested that the statement should be changed to use a valid filename such as bfa-logoarea_style.

Hope this helps someone down the road.


Grum Apr 9, 2011 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by metapete (Post 62761)
Sorry, the information I gave you was slightly wrong.

3.6.4 was working fine with WP 3.0.

That was my experience as well. It was only when I upgraded to WP3.1 (and now 3.1.1) that I got the blank page thing happening.
I'm back running 3.5.3 at the moment as my host has yet to be convinced why he should have to change his server settings just to accommodate my theme..!

metapete Apr 9, 2011 08:54 AM

I've spoken to my webhost. They said they disabled suhosin. I tried 3.6.4 but still the problem.

I like Atahaulpa and was really getting used to configuring it, however it seems a bit worrying that there does not appear to be a definitive fix for this problem on the horizon. I don't really want to change to another theme - because at this stage I wouldn't know which to choose.

One thing for sure. I want a theme that stays WP compatible and does not require different host configuration settings.

Two questions spring to mind.
1. What are the implications of staying with 3.5.3
2. If this was a 'premium' theme, would the situation be any different.

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