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Dona Jul 28, 2010 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 38519)
Try turning off the fading effect Dona. I believe it currently conflicts with overlaying the blog title on the header image.

thanks - that did it! Let me know when they get a fix for that, I really liked the addition of the fading.


Dona Jul 28, 2010 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 38519)
Try turning off the fading effect Dona. I believe it currently conflicts with overlaying the blog title on the header image.

Hi Again,
Well, I spoke too soon : (
That did get the title/tag lines on top of the image, but now the images don't rotate!

Is there a way to get BOTH the title/tag lines on the image, and have rotating images?

This feature is working fine in the 3.4.9 (which i have on another site), but that version doesn't have the fade feature (which might to be causing the problem).

Any assistance would be appreciated. Also, I am a newbie, so if you know of a patch/fix, please let me know exactly where it goes.


lmilesw Jul 28, 2010 10:02 AM

Mine rotates fine with the overlay of title and tag line. Can you supply a url?

Dona Jul 28, 2010 10:58 AM

Since you said yours was working, I checked further and see that on Internet Explorer they do work (though the transitions are very chopping and not appealing).
But, it doesn't rotate on Firefox (which is where I was before).

Here is my URL: www.anewconsciousness.org (titles and tags are still in process until I figure all this out).

Does yours work on Firefox?

Thanks for your assistance!

lmilesw Jul 28, 2010 01:04 PM

Mine does work on Firefox. Maybe a plugin conflict?

coop42 Jul 28, 2010 03:50 PM

Can you tell me where the two grey bars between the header and the rest of the page are created?

I'm sure it'll seem obvious when I'm told, but I can't seem to find them!



coop42 Jul 28, 2010 04:28 PM

Ah ha!

It's the background image referenced in the Body Style. I knew it would seem easy when I found it.

lmilesw Jul 28, 2010 05:03 PM

The Ah ha! moments are fun.

4arter Jul 31, 2010 08:08 PM

I'm trying 3.5.3 on a new install. I have other versions on other sites.

When first loaded, 3.5.3 looks good, as we've come to expect. But I just have to experiment, so I made some changes using the 'Configure Header Area' page.

When I decided to go back to default, clicking the 'Reset Settings' button did not take me back to the 3.5.3 default, but back what looks like is a default of a previous version.

Has this been reported before? Or have I done something unintended?

Is there an easy way to get back to the real 3.5.3 default short of reinstalling?


Of course, I think about more options right after posting. Clicking the 'Reset All Theme Options' does take me back to the start. So maybe the local restore is using different settings from the global restore? I dunno.

lmilesw Jul 31, 2010 08:21 PM

Because you can now import settings the reset doesn't work like it did. So if you want to get back to several different default settings here is the process.
  • If you have make changes first to to ATO>Export/Import setting and Export & Download Atahualpa Settings File. This will save your current setting.
  • Now you can click on "Upload & Import Atahualpa Settings File", navigate to the downloaded Atahualpa 3.5.3 folder and navigate the the Styles folder.
  • In there are 4 "default" styles which you can import. Currently a fresh install I believe uses the advertisement style but I would try them all to see what they look like.
  • Importing these styles adds CSS and sets many different settings in the Atahualpa Theme Options to give you various looks as a starting point.
  • Again once you have made some changes and like what you see just export the settings file. Then you can tweak to your hearts content and still get back to where you were.

4arter Aug 1, 2010 11:18 PM

Thanks for the rapid reply. You have convinced me to look around more before I dive it on 3.5.3. Thing have changed!

lmilesw Aug 2, 2010 04:27 AM

Don't be afraid to dive into 3.5.3. It's the best version yet and works with WP 3.01. Just upload the atahualpa353 folder along with any previous versions folder and you can swap back and forth between versions. Or install on a test site and play around with it. That's what I am constantly doing to get familiar with all the details.

All the details I provide are just for clarity. Sometimes I overdue it with my attempt at clarity and make things more difficult.

Fader Aug 3, 2010 11:07 AM


atahualpa.pot in new release has expired and after trying to translate I faced with broken references.
Where I can to get new .pot file ?


Fader Aug 3, 2010 01:39 PM

In this zipfile old .pot file (09.07.2009) with incorrent references. I need actually .pot for 3.5.3

Some new msgid/msgstr values are lost also.

everyman Aug 3, 2010 04:26 PM

I would really appreciate if 3.5.3 were put to the wordpress.org theme directory asap. The class I teach is based on Atahualpa and the 3.4.9 doesn't work with the new WP 3.0 menu structure, and getting these folks to install something via FTP is pushing it.

lmilesw Aug 3, 2010 04:58 PM

You don't have to install via FTP. Just download and install in WP using the upload button for theme installs.

juggledad Aug 3, 2010 04:59 PM

everyman - from what I understand, a theme is submitted to WordPress and they review it and put it up when they are satisfied with it. So it is in WordPress's hands

STB - you are correct, the CSS needs to be reviewed. I'll take a look and see if I can toss together a patch.

everyman Aug 3, 2010 07:29 PM

lmiles: Wordpress.org still has the 3.4.9 version via Appearance > Theme > Install and there is no upgrade option within Atahualpa

STB and Juggledad: very happy that this is in progress.

lmilesw Aug 3, 2010 08:24 PM

I knew that WordPress.org was at 3.4.9. I was just thinking that for your students you could have them download the theme from wordpress.bytesforall.com and then use the upload button at the top of Appearance > Theme > Install for the time being.

everyman Aug 4, 2010 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 39240)
I knew that WordPress.org was at 3.4.9. I was just thinking that for your students you could have them download the theme from wordpress.bytesforall.com and then use the upload button at the top of Appearance > Theme > Install for the time being.

Oh, duh... thanks!

juggledad Aug 5, 2010 05:43 AM

the original code is CORRECT, your change will introduce an error. If you go add something to ato->Add HTML/CSS Inserts->HTML Inserts: Body Tag, it needs to be inside the <body....>. IE it you added
HTML Code:

onLoad="alert('The page is loading... now!')"
to ato->Add HTML/CSS Inserts->HTML Inserts: Body Tag then the body tag needs to be
HTML Code:

<body class="home blog" onLoad="alert('The page is loading... now!')">
with your suggestion you would get
HTML Code:

<body class="home blog logged-in"> onLoad="alert('The page is loading... now!')"
causing the words
HTML Code:

onLoad="alert('The page is loading... now!')"
to show as the first line on the page.

In that other thread, the plugin had an error

catastrophy Aug 7, 2010 03:16 AM

The rotating header doesnt work with this version if you turn wordpress on multisites !!:(
I have to return to the 3.4.6 version ! is there a solution?

tal !

lehacarpenter Aug 7, 2010 05:37 PM

Hi, Flynn and JD:

I'm sure I must be missing something because no one else has had this issue, but I cannot get my Page menu background color to match the background color I set. Looks like it's using #ddd or #eee, I'm not sure. It sets the background for the actual menu items, but not for the blank remainder of the menu bar.

I have no header image, have the Page menu on top and floated right, am not using animation, have only defined the two menus (Pages and Categories) in WP 3.0.1, and am using ATA 3.5.3. this is a very simple blog site I'm creating for a client, so I haven't done anything to your code at this point, except to add the code fix that Juggledad posted in effort to fix this problem. Oh, and I removed the RSS links and so forth in further attempts to eliminate what might have been at issue.

If you have a chance to look, here is the page: http://urbanacneblog.com. Let me know if you need anything else to look at it.

Thanks so much for all you do!


lmilesw Aug 7, 2010 09:50 PM

Look in ATO>Add HTML/CSS Inserts>CSS Inserts and take out or change the background line in the following code as desired.
HTML Code:

div#menu1 ul.rMenu {
background: transparent;
border: none;

lehacarpenter Aug 9, 2010 04:33 PM

Ha! Thanks, Larry--it never would have occurred to me that the CSS inserts for this release actually shipped with something already in them (although eventually I'm sure I would have gotten to that tab). Geez.


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