Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA (http://forum.bytesforall.com/index.php)
-   Atahualpa 3 Wordpress theme (http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=2)
-   -   Page Corruption: Visual Editor and Page Revisions vanish when clicking Update! (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5747)

paulae Feb 8, 2010 06:49 AM

I was just about to suggest that he should hire you, JD. Just FYI, Andrew, I've hired Juggledad in the past to look into areas of our site that were just beyond my ken, and he did so very successfully. Worth every dime.

Your hosting company's support folks might be helpful too, but my experience with other companies is that Wordpress itself is not generally well-known to most of the support geeks.

asellon Feb 8, 2010 07:33 AM

Thanks for your reply. :-) I'm fine with technical things once I've learned them, but this is all 100% new to me, so I'm at the start of this learning curve. I called 1and1 and they e-mailed me a link to some language to add to a PHP script to create an error log, but it doesn't say which PHP script it's supposed go into! Sigh. I tried to install the wp-security plugin, and when I tried to activate it, I got a "500 Internal Server Error", so I deleted that plugin for fear it might do more harm than good. Juggledad, please do send me a PM with your rates. As an out of work actor, I'll be thrilled if it turns out I can afford you, but if there is any guarantee of resolution, I agree with Paula that it may be well worth it. Let me ask this first, though: should I be trying to reinstall WP 2.9.1 or the Atahualpa theme? I built the Carroll Society site on 1and1 as well (separate install altogether!) and haven't had any of these WP/Atahualpa issues (yet!) on that site. Thank you both for your ongoing reponsiveness. :-)

PS -- Would a reinstall wipe any of the content I've created?

juggledad Feb 8, 2010 07:44 AM

options and data are stored in teh wordpress database. Reinstalling the WP CODE will do nothing to the database, but it's not going to change anything eithor, unless YOU made changes to the code. same this goes for the theme. If you haven't changed any of the CODE, then relpacing teh CODE won't do anything.

However, this is a good time to mention BACKUP's. Before you do any major changes to your site, you should always backup your database and your wp-contents folder and the wp-config.php module. These are the things that are unique to your (or nayone's) installation. If you have these backups and then make a change and it mess up terrible, you can always go back to the point before you started your update.

See my PM

maguai Feb 19, 2010 10:54 AM

I've had this happen to me before when I migrated a bunch of pages to wordpress. Sometimes I think that wordpress doesn't handle a lot of data on one page. The really large pages would disappear from the editor. I eventually had to migrate back to html.

lmilesw Feb 19, 2010 11:34 AM

Is it possible that all the <span>s from text being pasted in could be causing some issues? Also I have read that 1&1 can be stingy with their php memory allotment.

austin_sixpack Apr 12, 2010 03:53 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I'm having the same problem. My WordPress version is 2.9.2. The site with the page that is failing is: http://www.texasgreennetwork.org/?page_id=19. The page that works is: http://www.texasgreennetwork.org/. I viewed the source and it appears that everything after the post-revisions (<ul class='post-revisions'>) is missing, including all the javascript code. This probably explains why I can't change the page to 'private' in the Publish box in the right hand margin. The last tag for the failing page is <div class="inside"> with no closing tag. I too am using ISP 1and1.com. I'm attaching the 2 source files which can be diffed.

If I copy the contents of the failing page into a brand new page, the page Visual editor, previous revisions, and publishing work correctly. So, it would appear that the error is not data driven. Looking for suggestions on where to look next.

thank you

juggledad Apr 13, 2010 04:46 AM

please install the 'wp securityscan' plugin and report back your settings from the top right hand side of teh main display - it's the environment info, php version, memory etc

marikane Nov 23, 2012 12:54 PM

I'm having a similar problem as asellon did 2 years ago.
I make code changes in HTML editor and the pages work fine. But when I switch back to Visual editor, those changes get lost.
In HTML I've uploaded an iContact form embedded in a jif file. Switching to Visual looses the gif connection.
I should also say that my client has written the page to include 6 H4 tags and 92 Strong tags. They really want certain words to jump out. Think this is causing the problem?
We have only 4 plugins installed, none are TinyMCE.
Here is the page, which looks fine now, but if I switch to Visual - so client can edit page - we loose the form.
Thanks in advance!

juggledad Nov 23, 2012 02:33 PM

You need to take this up with WordPress.org. The post/page visual editor/html editor are all wordpress code. This has nothing to do with the theme.

To prove this to yourself, swap to twenty-eleven and edit a post the same way and see what happens.

I never mix using the HTML and visual editors because strange things happen.

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