Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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MsKatrina May 22, 2010 02:58 PM

Every time I check this thread, I am inspired all over again!

I still have some work to do but here are mine.


Like I said, I'm still tweaking the designs such as figuring out how to get a widget box to the right of my image on QueenKatrina.com but I think they are all starting to pull together nicely.

bloggernica May 23, 2010 07:55 PM

Here's mine. Just finished doing it!


Let me know what you guys think!

ocube May 26, 2010 06:02 AM

Hi mnl

Thanks for the complement and sorry for the time it took to reply (I need to set an auto email to my post).

On the issue of the background: I used a fixed width of 960px for the site but have a background image spanning the body which is different from the header (http://inspirationalrisk.com/wp-cont..._bgd_trans.jpg), sort of decieving the eye to believe it is one single image. Hope that answers your question (am a visual designer and sometimes fail to use the correct terms so feel free to let me know if am unclear).

ocube May 26, 2010 06:04 AM

@Karl and @ChaseMann, thanks for the comments.

PhilD41 May 29, 2010 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by kal (Post 29861)
I love the fonts!

Thanks Kal, I debated for a long time if I should use them or not. I decided I liked them as well. Most people have a fast enough internet service that the embedded fonts wouldn't slow it down too much.

PhilD41 May 29, 2010 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by ChaseMann (Post 29929)
I really like your social buttons under the search box, is that a plugin or a text widget?

I'm assuming you're creating the content?
Many of the page links for me just show the introduction post.

Thanks ChaseMann!! I am writing the content. When I first put it up I included the intro post in all the categories so they would show up on the navigation tabs. More for me to know what it would look like then anything else.

As for the social buttons. I found the original RSS on and like the style. So, I make a set to match. You are more then welcome to use them if you would like.


Tim F May 31, 2010 07:45 AM

Here's mine: http://www.luckydragonstudio.com/

Finally getting it near how I want. I am going for very clean and simple so the photos stand out but the content type articles need the header to stand out a little more so I am going to come up with a logo and header styling. I'm very happy with my setup of having instructional articles outside the main loop though, and how the archives display :)
Ooh ooh and check out my background color switcher.

jaclerigo Jun 4, 2010 05:37 AM

Hello all,

i've updated http://www.grifin.pt.
Now the front page is using a jquery code + CSS + html to fade in and out some slides.
Code is all inserted into the Atahualpa Theme Options.
Not using any wp-plugin or other code change in wp or Atahualpa.

The Gourmand & the Peasan Jun 4, 2010 01:24 PM

Here's mine:


I'm really proud of it, considering I am code averse. Hope you like it!

kal Jun 4, 2010 01:36 PM

I think you forgot an "e". Nice site:

The Gourmand & the Peasan Jun 4, 2010 01:53 PM

yup. duh. I need to hired a spell checker/forehead slapper.

Thanks for catching that.

nxious Jun 9, 2010 03:11 AM

This is my professional site ... Atelier Nxious
And one made for a client http://marketing-dynamique.com/

dholowiski Jun 9, 2010 09:30 AM

My second Atahualpa site: http://teachmewp.com
It's still a bit rough around the edges. The old site was terrible. It's for a Podcast, and I wanted something that would showcase the current episode. I think this does it well.

Hysterie Jun 9, 2010 11:19 PM

This is my Atahualpa WP site since last February. It's a "superlocal" news site in Montreal.

I work hard to made a new, more magazine or newspaper-like version within the theme options but it's very difficult without a lot a coding (and I'm still a dummy at this).

I'll would also like to customize the fonts (with Cufon maybe) but it does'nt work.


sykaemail Jun 12, 2010 06:28 PM

My Legal Blog - Divorce Law CA


I'm incorporating the original header because it is what originally lured me into using this template. My intent is to attract readers with providing free information on a do it yourself divorce, later modifying it into either a firm website or a paying DIYS. I'm not an experienced webmaster and I'm amazed at the simplicity and flexibility of Atahualpa. This forum is truly invaluable - thanks to all the contributors.

Please have a look at my site and share your comments.


qbuster Jun 13, 2010 01:36 AM

Very clean and to-the-point - an excellent example of the simplicity, beauty and functionality of Atahualpa.

I almost feel sorry that I am not seeking a divorce in California http://forum.bytesforall.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Save-Elot Jun 13, 2010 08:41 AM

This is still - in progress - but I am using these wonderful theme on Save-Elot.com - with a custom widget in the header.

The tabbed widget is created by the plugin - section-widget - and I love it because you can actually hide or show your widget area depending upon category. This really gives the Atahaulpa theme the power of many expensive themes that include this feature.

I am going for a more retro or "hippy" look with boombaby.org - baby boomers forum website.

I run a lot of more traditional websites, but I love this theme because it lets me play around and have fun!

Ber|Art Jun 15, 2010 06:35 AM

our newest :)


Ber|Art Jun 15, 2010 06:36 AM




hua Jun 15, 2010 08:17 PM

this is my first site http://www.naturalgasgrillsale.com that i am still working on it and learning more option in this theme.


Joe Jun 16, 2010 01:07 AM

Hi My name is Joe and I am CEO of mwd.com was looking for theme for long time that I can build it my way thus my knowledge of php.

Anyway, since our blog is highly visited by tech people I am trying to update it for past few hours, just so people don't have much to brag about the new layout.

So far I have been working on it for past 3 hours and you can see example what I already accomplished. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

This is best theme I ever downloaded or moded.

Gladly switched from Thesis and other framework's

lmilesw Jun 16, 2010 06:01 AM

Joe... Your site proves you don't have to be "flashy" and complex to be effective. Nice job.

Joe Jun 16, 2010 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 34529)
Joe... Your site proves you don't have to be "flashy" and complex to be effective. Nice job.

Thank you. Only problem I still have is that "search are" that shows "white" but only in IE. Wasn't able to find CSS for it (yet). Works fine in FF.

lmilesw Jun 16, 2010 07:34 AM

I'm not sure why it is needed but putting this in CSS Inserts appears to fix the search box issue in IE. I added the margin-left as it looked a little cramped to me.
HTML Code:

div.searchbox-form {
width: 160px;
margin-left:5px !important;

hua Jun 16, 2010 10:21 PM

hi joe,

like your simple site design, one question for you did you made lot of change in the code or is this can be done by using atahualpa theme option.


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