Wordpress Themes - WP Forum at BFA

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pgc Mar 19, 2010 07:43 AM

Here it is. Almost a year with atahualpa:

writeleft Mar 19, 2010 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 28049)
Based on the source code smallhours is using Frontpage-Slideshow

Thanks for that. I figured it out last night after remembering that I had firebug in my browser. heh.

Although, I fought it at here, so I'm not sure if it is the same one.

lmilesw Mar 19, 2010 08:44 AM

That is indeed the same one. They have versions for various platforms.

smallhours Mar 19, 2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by writeleft (Post 28011)
That is looking quite lovely right now.

Thankyou. That was the easy bit - I have to write the content for the site now :p


Originally Posted by writeleft (Post 28011)
If you don't mind me asking, what are you using for the slider on your front page?

lmilesw got it right. Ive tried a few sliders and that was my favourite one. It took a little bit of tweaking but its worked fine so far.

Im currently trying to work out how to get the text in the sidebar to link to the post without the colours going all funny. I think that would make it a lot more user-friendly.

Elms123 Mar 19, 2010 03:15 PM

As a complete newbie to the Wordpress scene I downloaded two or three themes from the Wordpress featured list including Atahualpa. I have found this to have some of the best editing options without having to learn much php.
I started working on my website a few weeks ago mainly for static pages, but I wanted the option of adding a blog in the future.
I have found this forum an excellent place to learn and it is great to see so many people willing to help.
You can have a look at my early efforts at www.elmsfarmcottages.com Loads more work to be done on the site until its finished!

Craig Mattice Mar 20, 2010 02:21 PM

I hope this is the correct board for this as I believe it is.

I have just finished the design, development and creation of a new website for our very small church. This has been a labor of tenacious effort in self-taught education and a gross exercise in trial and error application. Prior to this project I was only a everyday computer user. Thanks to Atahualpa theme, function, design, integration with WordPress, support forum, and design team, I would never have made it.

I humbly ask you to visit my site for positive critical review. I know there are some minor visual cosmetic challenges I need to overcome. Specifically due to the recent upgrade of NextGen Gallery Widget. It messed up my home page, right side center column presentation, configuration and I haven't figured out how to correct it yet. Suggestions highly encouraged and welcome.

Please click on:


I look forward to your responses.

Moderators, if this is the wrong place for this posting, please feel free to move it.

Thank you,

ChaseMann Mar 21, 2010 11:43 AM

Hi Craig, congratulations on such a great job!

You've got some really nice functionality going on there.

My only critical analysis would be design oriented.

I think that the search box should be larger, perhaps double it's current width ... the same width as your sidebar widgets would be my choice for consistency.

I'm just not feeling the greens, which may be the Church branded colors though, so you may not really have a choice. They come across as "clinical" to my eyes.

If you do have a choice, may I suggest a fresher, more vivid color scheme?
Either different shades of green or something completely different like tones of white and blue or a modern contrast like blue and orange?

A great resource for color schemes is ColorSchemer and here's a link to my schemes there:

Cheers! :)

Craig Mattice Mar 21, 2010 11:56 AM

Hi ChaseMann,

Thank you for the great insight and recommendations. The search box is an easy adjustment and I shall take care of it this week.

You're not feeling the "greens?" C'mon, I feel them every time I visit and my first impression is a touch of nausea. LOL! The green orientation is a take off of the really ugly logo we have since the church started 22 years ago and designed by the original Pastor. This logo may change in the future with our new Pastor.

I am seriously considering changing the full background to white and eliminating the pale green hue altogether. I believe the color contrast would be "less impacting" than it currently may be to people. Although, women seem to like it saying it is comfortable and calming to the eye.

I will check out your suggested link and willingly consider all options keeping in mind others at the church have input also.


qda Mar 21, 2010 12:22 PM

Finally launched Cove Links Golf Course website, built on Atahualpa version a couple months old..

I found the page menu bar editing to be a bit annoying in terms of CSS..

Otherwise, it was alright, but since I've learned lots about WP with this project, I don't know if I would use such an all-in-one theme in the future. Still, it was nice to not have to think too hard at the beginning about the inner workings of WP, and it was not too hard to implement the original Illustrator design onto Atahualpa

Thank you very much to all those who continue the development of Atahualpa! You are amazing! :)

cpalmer03 Mar 22, 2010 11:28 AM

does anyone know how to change ONE of the Page menu bars' color, such as the "Podcast" page in the menu?


Craig Mattice Mar 22, 2010 01:13 PM

Hi ChaseMann,

I've taken you advice to heart along with suggestions from the Plugins board.
  • Reduced the number of header image panoramas from 5 to 2;
  • Reduced the size of the site from 99% to 1100px;
  • Reduced the height of the header image bar from 150 to 120px;
  • Removed all background color except the very pale sidebars and footer;
  • Slowed the image rotation on the header image from 15 to 18 seconds;
  • Adjusted the slideshow, reduced size and slowing it to a 10 second rotation;
  • Adjusted content for more consistency including adjustment of the "Search."

I ran the website analyzer and learned it seemed to all be written in Klingon! I saw the word compression all over the place but have no idea what it means or how to do it. Prior to all of the current adjustments the download times are, 56K 54.26 seconds; 128K 19.67; and 1.44Mbs is 5.73 seconds.

You've taught me a lot in only a few posts. Thank you for taking the time.

kal Mar 22, 2010 01:58 PM

Just ported another site over to Atahualpa! Would love some feedback!

One thing I would love some help with. I would like to rotate the header image (not the logo) based on the current date. Currently I have a flag image there. But I would love to be able to upload several "holiday" or "event" images (i.e.; Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, Happy New Year, etc.) and have the images display for specific date ranges.

Thanks again to Flynn for this wonderful theme!

gamusino Mar 23, 2010 08:09 AM

Hello everybody!

I agree that Atahualpa is the best WordPress theme I've ever tried. I love to customize my blogs, but I'm not an expert in PHP, so Atahualpa is perfect for me to focus on the design and don't care about the code.

I'd like to show you my personal weblog (www.gambutzi.es) my "professional blog" powered by Atahualpa: ecomovilidad.net. Hope you like it!


PS: Sorry for my English :-S

ChaseMann Mar 23, 2010 09:48 AM

Hi Craig, good job so far, it's getting far better.

I do want to point out that when I do web design, I use a standard size of 960 to 990 pixels. This fits into the vast majority of screen sizes (1024px by whatever). People who usually have a larger screen, often only open their browser window to 1024px and I think the last statistic I saw for netbooks was about 80% are at 1024px width. Keep in mind also that the majority of Tablet devices will be at 1024px also (including the iPad). The 960 to 990 takes into account the scrollbar and those that keep open any side-screen widgets (like chat or Windows sidebar) and just gives a design a little "breathing room".

For mobile devices, you just can't beat the WordPress plugin WPTouch:

With just a few settings, you can serve up a mobile version of your website.
The WPTouch settings page has excellent tips on how to optimize the mobile options.

ChaseMann Mar 23, 2010 09:53 AM

Really good job on both Fer.

I LOVE the hand-drawn logo/header for gambutzi.es :-)

Now if I only knew Spanish! (or is that Portuguese?)

ChaseMann Mar 23, 2010 09:56 AM

Very cool site qda ... now you just have to get them to update the website that the bottom links (dock, dine, play) take you to ... what a shock compared to the golf one!

ChaseMann Mar 23, 2010 09:59 AM

Nice, clean site Kal. Let me know if anyone points you to a plugin or fix for the date issue, I would be interested in auto swapping headers based on date also.

lmilesw Mar 23, 2010 10:46 AM

I don't know PHP but it would seem like you could put a code like
HTML Code:

<?php $d=date("D"); if ($d=="Fri") echo "Have a nice weekend!"; else  echo "Have a nice day!"; ?>
in the ATO>Style & Edit HEADER AREA>Configure Header Area replacing the date with single or multiple dates if that is possible and instead of the first echo statement put the code for showing the header image for that date and the else would show the default header.

Anyone out there up for the task? Am I off base on this?:confused:

kal Mar 24, 2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by ChaseMann (Post 28321)
Nice, clean site Kal. Let me know if anyone points you to a plugin or fix for the date issue, I would be interested in auto swapping headers based on date also.

Thanks! Atahualpa rocks!

I'm hoping some really smart person picks up on the swapping header image based on date challenge... http://www.clausnet.com/forums/publi.../whistling.gif

ChaseMann Mar 25, 2010 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by lmilesw (Post 28326)
I don't know PHP but it would seem like you could put a code like
HTML Code:

<?php $d=date("D"); if ($d=="Fri") echo "Have a nice weekend!"; else  echo "Have a nice day!"; ?>
in the ATO>Style & Edit HEADER AREA>Configure Header Area replacing the date with single or multiple dates if that is possible and instead of the first echo statement put the code for showing the header image for that date and the else would show the default header.

Anyone out there up for the task? Am I off base on this?:confused:

That's why I like Atahualpa, because I don't know php code, but can figure out HTML and CSS ... your post above is like Greek to me. I just don't get php and whenever I mess with it, I break my website :(

But if someone can figure it out and can post the actual code itself, I might be adventurous and try.

pinkaboo202 Mar 26, 2010 07:31 PM

I'm still not done tweaking, but my site is www.pinkyhasabrain.com.

When I started designing my site a year ago, I had no experience what-so-ever in setting up a blog. I was also clueless about using WordPress. Using this theme has made my experience all the more easier.

ksmith101 Mar 26, 2010 07:41 PM

I am very impressed with your design pinkaboo202...nicely done!

pinkaboo202 Mar 26, 2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by ksmith101 (Post 28599)
I am very impressed with your design pinkaboo202...nicely done!

Thanks a lot!

ChaseMann Mar 27, 2010 10:22 AM

Very nice pinkaboo202. I love the color scheme! Pink can be hard to pull off in a design but you've used it very well.
Congrats on a great design job!

kal Mar 27, 2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by pinkaboo202 (Post 28598)
I'm still not done tweaking, but my site is www.pinkyhasabrain.com.

When I started designing my site a year ago, I had no experience what-so-ever in setting up a blog. I was also clueless about using WordPress. Using this theme has made my experience all the more easier.

Really nice!

joe hark Mar 27, 2010 10:36 PM

I love Atuhualpa. I am building sites with it (maybe 10 so far) and expect to do more. I came to Showing Off for isnpration and I'm getting plenty. I'm seeing things I did not realize were possible and plugins I didn't realize exist. I'll put a few of my links below.

But I am seeing something that I thinks needs to be considered. If you expect that you will be the only one who will ever see your web site, go ahead and build it for whatever screen width you like.

But if you want 80% of all laptop users to see it without an annoying left-to-right scrolling, keep in mind that currently all 80% of all laptops are set for 1024px. I suspect that if you were to limit the survey to notebooks it might be even more at that setting. That means, either set your theme for something less, or set it for a flexible width.

Then check what it looks like by changing your display screen res to 1024.

BTW - these forums are set too wide for my Fujistu laptop which is set for 800px wide - otherwise the characters are too small for me. That means I only come here when I'm on my desktop. These forums would be more welcoming to me and others with a similar situation isf they were set for a flexible width. I don't see the point of wide screens. You can't read lines that are that wide anywhere near as fast as when they are narrower. Legibility studies confirm over and over that onscreen text wider than 70 char gets more and more difficult, inversely, to read as line width goes up.

Here's a few of my own personal sites. None are very special. Pretty straight forward default, with only a bit of tweaking. All are being tinkered with a few mins at a time. So, each is in flux and will change as I find time. I'm not showing any of the commercial sites.


suzrocks Mar 28, 2010 07:40 AM

I am pretty computer illiterate and have never designed anything before- That being said- this theme is awesome and although it's taken a lot of trial and error figuring out what stuff is related to what- think I've sort of got my site where i want it. (for the time being).

I either wanted super cool and colorful with lots of cool crap or very simple. Since it'd be way too involved for me to try anything spectacular and I'd probably end up throwing my computer out the window, I went with very simple.....

Let me know what you think- I need some unbiased opinions. I believe my parents and my husband will tell me they like it not matter what. I'm pretty much open to any suggestions that I actually have the ability to institute.



suzrocks Mar 28, 2010 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by ksmith101 (Post 28599)
I am very impressed with your design pinkaboo202...nicely done!

me too! You completely changed the theme, looks great.

paulae Mar 29, 2010 08:12 AM

My site isn't new, but I've tweaked it a bit lately. http://larchmontgazette.com.

We had too much in the left sidebar, making the front page too visually dense. So I moved the long list of recent post headlines to a new Page, Recent Headlines, using an archiving plugin. I got rid of the right inner sidebar and moved that content to the right sidebar. I moved the 170x170 ads to the left sidebar. I made the line-height of the text a bit bigger.

Overall, I think the front page looks more open. I also started using the DB Cache Reloaded plugin, which has reduced the queries from about 250 to about 25. I don't understand why that number varies from reload to reload, but at least it seems much faster now.

If you visit, I'd be glad to know what page load speed and number of queries you get, after a reload. The info is down in the footer.

Feedback appreciated!

lmilesw Mar 29, 2010 09:23 AM

I think the line height helped a lot. I does indeed look more open.

Rashell Mar 30, 2010 11:39 AM


19 queries. 0.706 seconds.

I like the new style!


paulae Mar 30, 2010 11:45 AM

Thanks, Larry and Rashell. Still tweaking...need a new logo!

Ber|Art Mar 31, 2010 04:42 AM

I just finisched: http://www.viskerresultancy.nl/ :) with custom headers on every page! (my own WP plugin)

Ber|Art Mar 31, 2010 04:44 AM

And also just ready: http://www.mexim.nl/ :)

Ber|Art Mar 31, 2010 04:48 AM


My site isn't new, but I've tweaked it a bit lately. http://larchmontgazette.com.
Nice work! :)

ChaseMann Apr 1, 2010 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ber|Art (Post 28873)
I just finisched: http://www.viskerresultancy.nl/ :) with custom headers on every page! (my own WP plugin)

Cool to have different headers on different pages.
Have you put your plugin on WordPress repository?

noahinBR Apr 5, 2010 07:34 AM

Seeing some of these other sites always give me more ideas... Atahualpa allows us all to look a lot better! Thanks for the inspirations.

I've done three sites so far, prayersforkate.org, ellphotography.com and cmrmedia.com (still adding content). these three were just for friends who had very old static sites.

Wimbledon Apr 5, 2010 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by ChaseMann (Post 28993)
Cool to have different headers on different pages.
Have you put your plugin on WordPress repository?

Another way you could accomplish the same result is to make the headers using new widget areas, and have the Widget Logic plugin control which header-new-widget areas were shown on which pages.

pinkaboo202 Apr 5, 2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by noahinBR (Post 29241)
Seeing some of these other sites always give me more ideas... Atahualpa allows us all to look a lot better! Thanks for the inspirations.

I've done three sites so far, prayersforkate.org, ellphotography.com and cmrmedia.com (still adding content). these three were just for friends who had very old static sites.

They all look great! I've been inspired. Not just by your work, but by Kate's story as well. What a beautiful girl.

If you don't mind, what font is that you're using on the navigation bar on ellphotography.com?

pinkaboo202 Apr 5, 2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by suzrocks (Post 28691)
me too! You completely changed the theme, looks great.

Thank you.

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